#JoiningIn with #3GoodThings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. Flight delayed today, three extra hours at home! 2. My peonies are in riotous bloom. 3. The carrot seedlings are emerging.
#JoiningIn with #3goodthings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. Getting my legs back under me after being ill a few days. Looking up. 2. First slurpy food this morning, warm and comforting. 3. Meeting with family this weekend, always a joy. #JoinIn @3goodthings #BeCheerful #BeGrateful #MakeItAGreatDay
#joiningin #3goodthings #joinin #becheerful #begrateful #makeitagreatday
#JoiningIn with #3goodthings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. The chicken parm I had for dinner last night. Yum. 2. It’s our anniversary weekend and 3. Shenanigans have already begun 💕. #JoinInWithThreeGoodThings #BeCheerful @3goodthings #BeGrateful #TheLoveOfALifetime💕
#joiningin #3goodthings #joininwiththreegoodthings #becheerful #begrateful #theloveofalifetime
#JoiningIn with #3goodthings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. Went to the zoo yesterday and loved seeing all the botanicals. 2. The change in routine was great. 3. Season passes make it easy to take our time. #JoinIn # @3goodthings #BeCheerful #BeGrateful #HeresAPeek
#joiningin #3goodthings #joinin #becheerful #begrateful #heresapeek
#JoiningIn with #3goodthings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. Went to the zoo yesterday and loved seeing all the botanicals. 2. The change in routine was great. 3. Season passes make it easy to take our time. #JoinIn # @3goodthings #BeCheerful #BeGrateful #HeresAPeek
#joiningin #3goodthings #joinin #becheerful #begrateful #heresapeek
#JoiningIn with #3goodthings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. The artwork we have as a screensaver on our tv/monitor, beautiful images of artwork sliding by. 2. A leftover blueberry muffin to go with my tea. 3. I Dont have much to do on the house (ordinary daily chores), so I can enjoy some fun reading. #JoinIn @3goodthings #BeCheerful #BeGrateful #ReadingIsFun #EnjoyYourDay
#joiningin #3goodthings #joinin #becheerful #begrateful #readingisfun #enjoyyourday
Monday: Been a couple of days but here we go.
1. Managed to replace the electric trailer connector on my car.
2. Finally temperatures seem to rise to two digits and stay there.
3. The female doctor who sampled some of my bone marrow was very gentle. And pretty. Still hurt like hell though...
#JoinIn #3goodthings #ThreeGoodThings #JoiningIn #ReasonToBeGrateful
#reasontobegrateful #joiningin #threegoodthings #3goodthings #JoinIn
#JoiningIn with #3goodthings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. Feeling good about Now, keeping in the moment. 2. The blueberry muffins I’m baking, the aroma filling the house on this cold rainy day. 3. But I’m grateful for that rain too. #JoinIn @3goodthings #BeCheerful #BeGrateful #LiveInTheMoment #EnjoyYourDay
#joiningin #3goodthings #joinin #becheerful #begrateful #liveinthemoment #enjoyyourday
#JoiningIn with #3goodthings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. Homemade whipped cream, to give the monster pup a pup cup. 2. A box of surprises from my brother 💕. 3. The team coats he gave me and hubby. #JoinIn @3goodthings #BeCheerful #BeGrateful #MyBrotherIsTheBest #EnjoyYourDay
#joiningin #3goodthings #joinin #becheerful #begrateful #mybrotheristhebest #enjoyyourday
#JoiningIn with #3goodthings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. Watching Saturday morning movie trailers with my hubby💕. 2. Waffles with pecans and maple syrup, yum. 3. A light spring shower, windows thrown open (house smells clean) #JoinIn @3goodthings #BeCheerful #BeGrateful #SaturdayMorningTogether💕 #EnjoyYourDay
#joiningin #3goodthings #joinin #becheerful #begrateful #saturdaymorningtogether #enjoyyourday
#JoiningIn with #3goodthings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. Got the shopping done before 8 am, got home before the rain started. 2. Scored a yummy banana pudding . 3. The windows are open and the house smells like the fresh rain. Ahh. #JoinIn @3goodthings #BeCheerful #BeGrateful #OnwardToTheWeekend ✌️
#joiningin #3goodthings #joinin #becheerful #begrateful #onwardtotheweekend
#JoiningIn with #3goodthings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. Cheesy bread for supper tonight, yum. 2. The incredible breeze flowing through the house. 3. The books I chose at the library are holding my interest. #JoinIn @3goodthings #BeCheerful #BeGrateful #EnjoyYourDay
#joiningin #3goodthings #joinin #becheerful #begrateful #enjoyyourday
#JoiningIn with #3goodthings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. Luxuriating in the warm weather. ☀️. 2. White cheddar Mac n cheese with crushed crackers on top, pure comfort food, my lunch. 3. Smell of fresh cut grass, allergy medication already on board. #JoinIn @3goodthings #BeCheerful #BeGrateful #EnjoyYourDay
#joiningin #3goodthings #joinin #becheerful #begrateful #enjoyyourday
#joiningIn with #3goodthings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. Fresh cream in my coffee and tea. 2. We just came from our local library 😁 I brought home two books. 3. I’m medicated properly today, and I Dont take that for granted. #JoinIn @3goodthings #BeCheetful #BeGrateful #VisitYourLocalLibrary 📚 #ReadBannedBooks
#joiningin #3goodthings #joinin #becheetful #begrateful #visityourlocallibrary #readbannedbooks
#JoiningIn with #3goodthings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. The weather this coming week is def what I’m looking forward to. 2. Unexpected packages from a lovely friend. 3. My wonderful MIL, she’s a treasure. #JoinIn @3goodthings #BeCheerful #BeGrateful #SpringHasSprung #EnjoyYourDay
#joiningin #3goodthings #joinin #becheerful #begrateful #springhassprung #enjoyyourday
#JoiningIn with #3goodthings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. Listening to my hubby play his 12 string💕. 2. Olives. 3. Looking forward to getting another book…..always it seems. #JoinIn @3goodthings #BeCheerful #BeGrateful #EnjoyYourDay #ReadingIsFun #LetTheMusicPlay
#joiningin #3goodthings #joinin #becheerful #begrateful #enjoyyourday #readingisfun #letthemusicplay
#JoiningIn with #3goodthings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. Listening to my hubby play his 12 string💕. 2. Olives. 3. Looking forward to getting another book…..always it seems. #JoinIn @3goodthings #BeCheerful #BeGrateful #Enjoy your day #ReadingIsFun #LetTheMusicPlay
#joiningin #3goodthings #joinin #becheerful #begrateful #enjoy #readingisfun #letthemusicplay
#JoiningIn with #3goodthings as inspired by Ian Thistlewaite. 1. Ocean documentaries draw me in all the time. 2. Pineapple and it’s juice. Yum. 3. Seeing my dog just laying in the sunshine outside, surveying his backyard kingdom. #JoinIn @3goodthings #BeCheerful #BeGrateful #ProtectOurOceans #WaterisLife #PetsOfMastodon #DogsofMastodon
#joiningin #3goodthings #joinin #becheerful #begrateful #protectouroceans #waterislife #petsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon
1. Laundry day and sunshine makes for a nice combo.
2. Our autistic kid asked for a new pair of jeans!
3. Only one day left on my medication, before body is supposed to have a rest.
#3brasaker #3goodthings #ThreeGoodThings #JoinIn #JoiningIn #ReasonToBeGrateful #autism and #fuckcancer
#fuckcancer #autism #reasontobegrateful #joiningin #JoinIn #threegoodthings #3goodthings #3brasaker