and i couldnt think of a title for my stream....
#GolfWithYourFriends #PuttPutt #Gaming #linux #Livestream #TwitchStream #PlayingWithViewers #JoinMe
#joinme #playingwithviewers #twitchstream #livestream #linux #gaming #puttputt #GolfWithYourFriends
Always a wonderful moment: my Kiva returns are now supporting new Kiva loans!
@uspolitics make no mistake--democracy was sold out by these a$$holes. We must go after their profits and their funding--that’s how you stop white collar criminals on all levels. We have to organize to fight back. #SCOTUSIsASham #REPUBLICANS #joinme #WeAreTheGuardrails
#scotusisasham #republicans #joinme #wearetheguardrails
Click the link and watch a recording of my live presentation on Instagram discussing my “Hebrew Made Easy” Course!
#hebrewbyinbal #instagram #live #hebrew #course #kickstarter #hebrewlesson #learnhebrew #speakhebrew #modernhebrew #joinme #share #mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon
#hebrewbyinbal #instagram #live #hebrew #course #kickstarter #hebrewlesson #learnhebrew #speakhebrew #modernhebrew #joinme #share #mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon
A parallel World slipped
into the bottom of an old pair of shoes,
leaving me to wonder whether I was walking in this Universe
or another?
~ Kenya and Owl
#owl #joinme #mindfulness #nationalbirdday
Join todays Live Chat to practice your Hebrew and ask questions!
#hebrewbyinbal #premiumcontent #live #instagram #hebrew #jewish #lessons #joinme #subscription #learnhebrew #jews #jewdiverse #mazeldon #jewsofmastodon #mastodon
#hebrewbyinbal #premiumcontent #live #instagram #hebrew #jewish #lessons #joinme #subscription #learnhebrew #jews #jewdiverse #mazeldon #jewsofmastodon #mastodon
This is my last (automated) Tweet of the year begging you to #JoinMe on #Mastodon before #Twitter falls apart entirely.
Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a good health for the new beginnings! Not an astronomical event of any significance with 2023 revolutions around sun, but hope with this end of tax season, Gregorian calendar or whatever you believe in :) ends on a good note.
With the humble thanks to ups & downs of 2022, wishing you well & kind embracing of 2023. May there is bread on the table, roof on your head, warmth in your soul, joy in your heart & above all a hope for the new beginnings!
Tags: #christmas #newyear #goodhealth #love #faith #hope #gratitude #snow #wishes #health #joinme #holdhands #hugs #vibes #daddaughter #family
#christmas #newyear #goodhealth #love #faith #hope #gratitude #snow #wishes #health #joinme #holdhands #hugs #vibes #daddaughter #family
Pretty sky on the last day of fall morning in Napa.
#Napa #NapaValley #California #sunrise #TuesdayMotivation #walking #JoinMe
#napa #napavalley #california #sunrise #tuesdaymotivation #walking #joinme
RT I’d rather be texting then doing these dishes! Anyone care to join? 😈 #onlyfansgirl #onlyfansbabe #OF #sextme #goodmorning #joinme #onlyfans_girl
#onlyfansgirl #onlyfansbabe #of #sextme #goodmorning #joinme #onlyfans_girl
Why are the people here #people #whereareyoufolks #happyday #joinme
#joinme #happyday #whereareyoufolks #people
Would you like me to post about my conlang, the Suraya'i? (in addition to posting resources on my website)
Also looking for more conlang folk to connect with~
#conlang #language #linguistics #JoinMe #SurayaI
#conlang #language #linguistics #joinme #surayai
I've officially opened #registrations on my instance to anyone. I'll probably limit it to 200 or so accounts for now, but if anyone is looking to move servers... #joinme :D
It takes about 30 mins to get to work. That's an hour each day that I completely separate home from work, live in the moment, boost physical and mental health, and experience stuff like this... #bicycle #commute #joinme
Dato che il clima globale è quello che è, ho deciso di fare dell'artivismo per sollevare un po' l'umore di chi guarda.
Ho creato queste due opere su cartone di recupero, con acrilici, fiori secchi e colla vinilica e le ho lasciate in giro per la città.
Per le parole, ho attinto dal ritornello di Love revolution dei Russkaja - .
Mi piacerebbe se altrə artistə in giro per l'Italia, ma anche altrove, facessero lo stesso, lasciando bellezza in giro affinché venga trovata - e anche portata a casa.
Non serve a nulla contro la pandemia, non serve a nulla contro la guerra, non serve a nulla contro la crisi, ma quando trovo qualcosa di bello per strada son contenta, e spero di rendere contenta altra gente in questo modo.
#joinme #artivism #mastoart #illustration #arterandagia