Views from Maui. Also a link to help people find their missing people.
I've heard from people on the ground, many hundreds are deceased. Possibly over a thousand missing.
Maui needs a mobile morgue NOW.
Many dead bodies need proper storage.
Please boost.
#JointBasePHH #thejointstaff
#USPacificFleet #SecDef #COMPACFLT #Hickam #potus #15thAirBaseWing #CNO #PearlHarbor #Hawaii #KanielaIng
#lahina #maui #jointbasephh #thejointstaff #uspacificfleet #secdef #compacflt #hickam #potus #15thairbasewing #cno #pearlharbor #hawaii #kanielaing
Dear #Navy & #AirForce #PacFleet,
You should be in #Maui.
Where is the strongest military on the planet?
Hundreds are dead. Many hundreds are missing.
Get the hospital ship to Maui, generators and start putting up medical tents.
Please boost.
#JointBasePHH #thejointstaff
#USPacificFleet #SecDef #COMPACFLT #Hickam #15thAirBaseWing #CNO #PearlHarbor #Hawaii
Read from Maui
#navy #airforce #pacfleet #maui #jointbasephh #thejointstaff #uspacificfleet #secdef #compacflt #hickam #15thairbasewing #cno #pearlharbor #hawaii