News18 India · @News18India
13 followers · 1263 posts · Server

Opposition Meeting in Bengaluru LIVE: On day 2, two sub-committees will also be announced: one to finalize a common minimum program along with communication points, and the other to plan a joint opposition program comprising events, rallies, and conventions.

#meeting #bengalurulive #finalisename #alliance #jointdeclaration #bjp #show #strength

Last updated 1 year ago

Peace4Ukraine · @Peace4_Ukraine
528 followers · 5631 posts · Server


I welcome the long-awaited third between the & . Cooperation between the two institutions is the established norm and daily practice on the basis of key guiding principles: openness, transparency, inclusiveness and reciprocity.


#euroatlanticsecurity #NATO #EU #jointdeclaration

Last updated 2 years ago

bikejourno · @bikejourno
337 followers · 4903 posts · Server

Great to hear that with , another brave activist for and has managed to get out of 's grip and out of .

Keep up the good fight from , Ted! And for the rest for the world: Make pay for annexing Hong Kong and thus ripping the Sino-British to shreds.

#TedHui #civicrights #hongkong #australia #jointdeclaration #standupforhongkong #democracy #beijing

Last updated 4 years ago

bikejourno · @bikejourno
337 followers · 4903 posts · Server

By imposing its , ripped up the on , disrespected the city's status as an and essentially killed off the Troian Horse known as as a consequence.
Now China blames of breaching the contract it has signed because it has offered political to citizens of Hong Kong unwilling to continue their lives behind the Great Firewall in a totalitarian one-party state.

My take: FUCK CHINA's CCP.

#securitylaw #china #jointdeclaration #hongkong #sar #onestatetwosystems #greatbritain #asylum

Last updated 5 years ago

bikejourno · @bikejourno
337 followers · 4903 posts · Server

Now that the scam has been killed by , having wiped its wrinkly arse with the over , does have anything left to offer as an incentive to ?
Keep this in mind:
- per capita GDP is 2.5 times higher in free and democratic Taiwan
- Taiwan respects , privacy and
- Taiwan's society is amazingly diverse

#onestatetwosystems #zhongnanhai #jointdeclaration #hongkong #china #taiwan #civicrights #freedoms #standupfortaiwan

Last updated 5 years ago

bikejourno · @bikejourno
337 followers · 4903 posts · Server

Boris Fucking Johnson aka the finds time to brownnose the orange-haired horrorclown and blame for the attacks on 's oil processing factories. Does not find time to stand up for and against 's bending of the . What a miserable war-mongering coward Boris is. No spine and all drivel, such a sad sight.

#bojo #horrorclown #iran #saudiarabia #hongkong #china #jointdeclaration #britain

Last updated 5 years ago