Hollywood Strike: Rare Twin Strikes Bring Blockbuster Productions to a Halt
#HollywoodCrisis #BlockbusterShutdown #Protest #ArtificialIntelligence #StayInformed #LinkInBio #JoinTheConversation
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/videos/toi-original/hollywood-strike-whys-hollywood-on-strike-how-did-ai-take-centre-stage-what-does-it-mean-for-us-toi-explains/videoshow/101825705.cms #press
#hollywoodcrisis #blockbustershutdown #protest #artificialintelligence #stayinformed #linkinbio #jointheconversation #press
#DearYoungPerson - Here is an opportunity for #YouthShapingDemocracy where you will engage with the @IECSouthAfrica and other organisations at the forefront of upholding and deepening democracy. #JoinTheConversation this morning at 11:30-1pm SAST https://nitter.net/ThuliMadonsela3/status/1592391026505043969#m
#dearyoungperson #youthshapingdemocracy #jointheconversation
#DearYoungPerson - Here is an opportunity for #YouthShapingDemocracy where you will engage with the @IECSouthAfrica and other organisations at the forefront of upholding and deepening democracy. #JoinTheConversation this morning at 11:30-1pm SAST https://nitter.net/ThuliMadonsela3/status/1592391026505043969#m
#dearyoungperson #youthshapingdemocracy #jointheconversation
Originally posted by Prof Thuli Madonsela #KindnessBuilds / @ThuliMadonsela3@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/ThuliMadonsela3/status/1592391026505043969#m
#DearYoungPerson - Here is an opportunity for #YouthShapingDemocracy where you will engage with the @IECSouthAfrica and other organisations at the forefront of upholding and deepening democracy. #JoinTheConversation this morning at 11:30-1pm SAST
#kindnessbuilds #dearyoungperson #youthshapingdemocracy #jointheconversation
RT @DeclanKearneySF: Here’s a video recording of the inaugural Peoples Assembly, organised under the auspices of Sinn Féin’s ‘Commission on the Future of Ireland’
#HaveYourSay #JoinTheConversation
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/M_AndersonSF/status/1582004823037079552
#HaveYourSay #jointheconversation
RT @DeclanKearneySF: The new Ireland is for everyone - Have your say!
Register to attend on Wednesday 12 October, 7-9pm, Waterfront Hall, Belfast. Or make an online submission at: https://www.sinnfein.ie/futureofireland
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/M_AndersonSF/status/1579739971350847488
#jointheconversation #AbairLeat #HaeYerSpake
RT @IrelandsFuture: 'We're both from East Belfast, we want people from East Belfast to do well... what we need to point out is that Britain doesn't really care for Northern Ireland, they don't want us' - Ben Collins
#TogetherWeCan #JoinTheConversation
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MaryLouMcDonald/status/1576213318666055680
#TogetherWeCan #jointheconversation
RT @SwedenGeneva: On the 28th of September at the WTO Public Forum, @SweMFA_Anzen joins @MalmstromEU and others at the @PIIE panel & podcast discussions: ’What’s next for the WTO?’. Make sure to #jointheconversation!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MalmstromEU/status/1574374500296179714