I flicked over to abc.net.au/news, and there's nothing about the writers'/actors' #strike in Hollywood. This seems like pretty big news to me, as a consumer and producer of film/TV content.
I wonder why #Aunty might be avoiding the issue...
#joinyourunion #joinyourfuckingunion #strike #endcapitalism #burnmansions #fuckceos #aunty
Indeed, comrade!
So many people are like: "But what can a union do against the big, evil multinationals?"
Then I'm like: "It's not just evil multinationals who are fucking you. Many smaller businesses are run by people who misinform their staff about acceptable rates & conditions, so they can increase their profits by stealing your labour. Your union can help with this by acting on your behalf."
Them: "But it's so much money to pay for nothing!"
Me: "Union membership is a tax deduction. Also, most unions give you perks like free advocacy, inexpensive insurance, and discounts on fancy new electronic thingies. You might even get a sticker or a T-shirt.The bigger the union, the greater the benefits."
Them: "Well, why has the union allowed me to get into such a shitty job, with such shitty conditions?"
Me: "Have you raised this question with your union rep?"
Them: "..."