Oh My Ghost / Oh My Ghostess
(2015 Viki, 16 60min eps)
This was recommended for my Park Bo Young Quest, and I couldn't be happier. I stayed up late to binge this one! PBY's acting in this is fantastic, winning 2 awards for it.
It's a rom-com, mystery, thriller combo that brings it all. There is quite a bit of setup, but it all comes together. The last episode does feel somewhat rushed and leaves a few questions hanging out there, but the important storylines get resolved.
Bo Young has heart-fluttering chemistry with the ML, Jo Jung Suk (they won the best kiss award). She also has heart-wrenching chemistry with the 2nd FL, Kim Seul Gi.
The supporting actors are so well cast and are so believable. Kang Ki Young plays dorky goofball so well!
It will be on my rewatch list!
#kDrama #OhMyGhost #ParkBoYoung #KimSeulGi #JoJungSuk #ImJooHwan #WhooshReview
#kdrama #ohmyghost #parkboyoung #kimseulgi #jojungsuk #imjoohwan #whooshreview