*überfliegt die Nachrichten der letzten Tage
Sagt mal, wenn sich #Fußball-Vereine von ihren Trainern trennen können, weil die Spieler zu wenig Tore schießen…
Warum haben wir so etwas nicht mit dem mittleren Management?
Just asked ChatGPT to write my wife a Love song in the style of Marilyn McCoo and it did a believably great job of it! I'm both suitably amazed and subtly terrified.. this could change the greeting card writing industry! #jokingbutonlyhalf #chatgpt #mondaymusings
#jokingbutonlyhalf #chatgpt #mondaymusings
Home feed is what you want it to be.
Local feed is your neighbourhood, usually polite and friendly.
Federated feed is pure chaos. Visit with an open mind.
@jwildeboer probably will only clean the apartment if you have an active subsription...how do you normally put it: #jokingbutonlyhalf ?