Credit goes to the kiddos for discovering who is really behind this holiday 😉
What do you think is in the bag? My guess is books.
Gleðileg jól!
#Iceland #Reindeer #Christmas #Icelandic #Jolabokaflod #MastoArt #NorthDeltaArt #Maps #DigitalArt #Travel #Jólabókaflóðið
#jolabokaflodid #travel #DigitalArt #maps #northdeltaart #MastoArt #Jolabokaflod #icelandic #christmas #reindeer #iceland
Social media has gone crazy over #jolabokaflodid for the past few Decembers, but as far as I can tell, Jólabókaflóðið is just the Icelandic word for the pre-Christmas rush of new releases that happens in every Christian-ish country with a publishing industry. Also, no one rhapsodising over it actually seems to be Icelandic. See also: hygge, ikigai, etc., etc. #bookstodon
Reflecting on this acrylic painting I did to study light, and enjoying all the #jólabókaflóðið vibes. Wishing you warm blankets, soft light, and good books. ❤️
I'm not a fan of modern capitalist Christmas traditions, but I'm all in favor of Jólabókaflóðið, the book flood release of new books in Iceland right before Christmas, then people give each other books as gifts on Christmas Eve. #Books #BookFlood #Bookstodon #Jolabokaflodid
#Books #bookflood #bookstodon #jolabokaflodid
Happy Jólabókaflóðið! In Iceland, on Dec 24, books are exchanged and the evening is enjoyed snuggled up reading.
Make it even more intentional by going through your old books to donate to #LittleFreeLibraries.
What are your favorite books?
Here are 5 of my favorite kid’s books:
1. The Boy Who Spoke to the Earth
2. A Stone Sat Still
3. I Wonder
4. Tiny, Perfect Things
5. What Do You Do With an Idea?
#Kidlit #illustration #Dec24 #Jolabokaflod #Jólabókaflóðið #MastoArt #LFL #Books
#books #lfl #MastoArt #jolabokaflodid #Jolabokaflod #dec24 #illustration #kidlit #littlefreelibraries
Met een clubje vrienden doen we morgen een eigen versie van het IJslandse fenomeen #Jólabókaflóðið: iedereen neemt één favoriet boek (liefst hét favoriete boek) uit eigen boekenkast mee, mooi ingepakt, en dat doen wij elkaar cadeau. Het lot bepaalt wie welk boek krijgt. Je mag geen nieuw boek kopen, maar brengt een eigen boek mee dat je zelf met zoveel plezier hebt gelezen, dat je een van de anderen dat plezier ook gunt.
Klinkt gezellig 😃, alhoewel ik van het woord #Jólabókaflóđiđ niet helemaal zeker ben hoe het klinkt 🤷♀️. Mijn IJslands is kennelijk wat sleets.
Hé, gezellig. Het is weer bijna #Jólabókaflóðið! Aan wie zal ik dit jaar mijn favoriete boek uit eigen boekenkast weggeven?
Hey lúðar. Það er hægt að finna PDF-útgáfu af Bókatíðindum 2022 á
#bækur #jolabokaflodid #bokatidindi
Í sjónvarpsfréttum var umjöllun #Jólabókaflóðið þar sem "yngsti höfundur þjóðarinnar" sýndi bók sína:
Í fréttinni var sýnt örsnöggt skot þar sem flett var í gegnum bókina og þá runnu á mig tvær grímur.
Því verkið er STOLIÐ!
Bókin en flettibók, og ég kannaðist strax við þær teikningar sem voru sýndar því þær eftirmyndir af flettibók eftir Andy Bailey sem selur varning til flettibókagerðar og hefur birt akkúrat þessa sögu á youtube rás sinni.
Any good book recommendations? So far I only have two on my wish list:
#fondalee #janebown #jolabokaflodid #jolabokaflod #tsundokuproblems