Was für Dich evtl. auch noch interessant sein könnte ist #SailfishOS von #Jolla .
Ich nutze es schon seit 9 Jahren (und immer noch) auf dem Smartphone. Das war (vorinstalliert) mein Einstieg in die Smartphone-Ära, vor 6 Jahren habe ich es dann zum ersten Mal selbst geflasht.
Das ist kommerziell, aber (nicht vollständig) OpenSource und stammt von den ehemaligen #Nokia N9-Entwicklern, #Meego, #Meamo, die dann von Microsoft entlassen wurden.
Es basiert auf Linux statt Android, hat einen eigenen AppStore, aber auch eine Android-App-Unterstützung.
#meamo #meego #nokia #jolla #sailfishos
Testar #Tooter till #SailfishOS. Ökar min närvaro på sidan något.
#tooter #sailfishos #sailfish #jolla
De moins en moins hélas. Il faut dire que certains développeurs de chez #Jolla se donnent beaucoup de mal pour casser l'écosystème.
Hafenschau for #SailfishOS version 0.9.8 was released.
- Fixed image handling
Please check #Chum, #OpenRepos or #Jolla store to get it.
#sailfishos #chum #openrepos #jolla
Wow, for something with Sailfish OS, a locked bootloader is very disappointing.
#linux #sailfishos #jolla #righttorepair
@mstankiewicz @Fan_Technologii
Windows mobile i Elop zabili potęgę Nokii.
MeeGo to projekt m.in. Intela - przypomnę tylko, że pewna część pracowników Nokii, otrzymała odprawy w patentach i stworzyli firmę #Jolla z systemem #SailfishOS. Ciekawy jest też dev model n950 czy słynna n900, które jest up-to-date z latest kernelem do dnia dzisiejszego (#maemo leste).
Voi voi, toivottavasti Jolla saadaan tästä vielä äyskäröityä pystyyn tavalla tai toisella. Aivan liian loistavaa teknologiaa hukkaan heitettäväksi.
Lots of promise and I really hope this becomes a reality..but if they can't find a partner to carry their OS and if they can't find their feat in key markets including #India they could become the next #Jolla "It's time to wrest your email free from the prying eyes of Google | CrackBerry https://crackberry.com/apostophy-services-launch
Hafenschau for #SailfishOS version 0.9.7 was released.
- Fixed RPM compression for backward compatibility
Please check #Chum, #OpenRepos or #Jolla store to get it.
#sailfishos #chum #openrepos #jolla
Hafenschau for #SailfishOS version 0.9.6 was released.
- Changed RPM compression for backward compatibility
- Reimplementation of image handling because of API changes
- Fixed internal link handling (by cnlpete)
- Fixed search page (by cnlpete)
- Translation fixes (by cnlpete)
Please check #Chum, #OpenRepos or #Jolla store to get it.
#sailfishos #chum #openrepos #jolla
Hafenschau for #SailfishOS version 0.9.5 was released.
- Fixed problems with pictures and media because of API changes
Please check #Chum, #OpenRepos or #Jolla store to get it.
#sailfishos #chum #openrepos #jolla
@chbmeyer @CliffWade the same here :) i'm a sailor with #jolla for years. I'm also a huge fan of the very content centric, gesture based user interface since the #meego days
@CliffWade I don't like to be tracked and spyed by Google and Apple.
For that I use #SailfishOS from #Jolla on my daily mobile phone.
@rysiek @Fairphone would you recommed the #Jolla Phone again? I'm kind of split in which brand i should favor.
Fairphone, Jolla, Shift?
If a tiny vendor like @Fairphone can support their product with software updates for seven(!) years, don't tell me Samsung et al can't.
I had the same experience with #Jolla. I have the original Jolla Phone, which was released in 2013. Support ceased in 2020 — also seven years!
Big guys need to do better and need to be called out on their bullshit. Thank you to the underdogs for showing what's possible!
Next #SailfishOS Community Meeting on IRC 9th March 2023, 09:00 🗓️
Please have your topics ready at least 3 days before the meeting so #Jolla can prepare the answers. More about it: