These paired stones within the Komakino stone circle in Aomori prefecture, Japan, mark the midsummer sunrise seen from the centre of the circle. The circle was constructed on an artificially levelled plateau by the #Jomon culture, circa 2,000-1,500 BCE. #StandingStoneSunday #Aomori #Jomon #Japan
#japan #aomori #standingstonesunday #jomon
Local news:
Cat's head (?) earthware excavated in a city of Fukushima, Japan, is given a name 'Jomo-Nyan'.
Pet human is already tamed by cat c.10,000 years ago.š¤£š¾
#cat #hellokitty #pets #art #earthware
#excavation #Jomon #ćććć«ćć
#Fukushima #Kooliyama
#Japan #earth
#earth #japan #kooliyama #fukushima #ćććć«ćć #jomon #Excavation #earthware #art #pets #hellokitty #cat
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