""It's me: Robert.""
last sentence of "The house of sleep" by #JonathanCoe on #isbnmaschine
“Stout figure in his ill-fitting, slightly too-tight suit, with the usual alert, wary, ironic glint in his eye and the over-cheeeful greeting which seemed to be something between an expression of undying friendship and a declaration of war”. Outstanding description of Boris Johnson by Jonathan Coe in his last book, #Bournville
#bournville #booktoot #jonathancoe
Read #Bournville by #JonathanCoe. Redeemed a bit by a strong finish, when the writing and subject matter clearly gets personal, but a really disappointing clunky book. Too reliant on lazy nostalgia; I expected spangles and Choppers to appear at one stage. Some odd writing. Rather than develop characters naturally he just bungs in their internal monologue on one occasion. #bookstodon #BookToot #keefsreads2023
#bournville #jonathancoe #bookstodon #BookToot #keefsreads2023
Still plugging away at the new #JonathanCoe. Is it just me that thinks it's bad? #bookstodon
Still plugging away at the new #JonathanCoe. Is it just me that thinks it's bad? It was very well reviewed in the FT. #bookstodon
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #StuartMaconiesFreakZone
Jonathan Coe & Artchipel Orchestra:
🎵 Suspended Moment
#nowplaying #bbc6music #StuartMaconiesFreakZone #jonathancoe #artchipelorchestra
Just started reading #Bournville from #jonathanCoe and really enjoying it so far ☺️
#bookstodon #mastobook #reading
#bournville #jonathancoe #bookstodon #mastobook #reading
Stephen King and Margaret Atwood console debut novelist on 'sad book signing'
#jonathancoe #neilgaiman #margaretatwood #stephenking
Wenn keiner kommt – alle Autor*innen kennen es https://leanderwattig.com/wasmitbuechern/wmb-blog/2022/wenn-keiner-kommt-alle-autorinnen-kennen-es/ #ChelseaBanning #MargaretAtwood #WasmitBüchern #CherylStrayed #NeilPasricha #SophieBleich #JodiPicoult #JonathanCoe #MarkHarris #NeilGaiman #Upworthy
#chelseabanning #margaretatwood #wasmitbuchern #cherylstrayed #neilpasricha #SophieBleich #jodipicoult #jonathancoe #markharris #neilgaiman #upworthy
Magnifique roman de #jonathancoe ! On y retrouve avec plaisir les personnages croisés dans ses romans précédents et sa critique à la fois acerbe et pleine d’humour britannique de la société et de la politique anglaises … les chapitres consacrés à l’Europe, au chocolat et à Boris Johnson sont savoureux. S’y ajoute une pointe de nostalgie et de tristesse sur ce que devient le Royaume Uni. J’ai adoré 🥰 et je le range parmi mes romans préférés de Coe ! #royaumedesuni
Have added #Bournville by #JonathanCoe to the list. #BookToot #mastobook
#bournville #jonathancoe #BookToot #mastobook
Currently reading: Bourneville. A new #JonathanCoe novel. Always a treat. Signed, an’all! 80 pages in, really enjoying it. #Bourneville #goodreads #brumbooks #chroniclesofmyera
#jonathancoe #bourneville #GoodReads #brumbooks #chroniclesofmyera
Currently reading: Bourneville. A new #JonathanCoe novel. Always a treat. Signed, an’all! 80 pages in, really enjoying it. #Bourneville #goodreads #brumbooks #chroniclesofmyera
#jonathancoe #bourneville #GoodReads #brumbooks #chroniclesofmyera
This, with its curling cover, is the last copy I own of my #debutnovel #TheContinuityGirl (#Unbound, 2018). The handful of people who read it said nice things — I was very pleased with the cover quote because I knew #JonathanCoe isn’t only a fine novelist, but is perhaps the most vocal fan of the #BillyWilder masterpiece #ThePrivateLifeOfSherlockHolmes , the shoot for which forms the novel’s backdrop.
#theprivatelifeofsherlockholmes #billywilder #jonathancoe #unbound #thecontinuitygirl #debutnovel
"She was lying quite still, but her limbs were stiff and tightened, and her eyes were open, as wide open."
middle sentence of "The house of sleep" by #JonathanCoe on #isbnmaschine
Okay here’s my Mastodon #introduction. I’m a novelist whose debut #TheContinuityGirl was published by #Unbound in 2018 and is still massively available secondhand and in German translation (#dasscriptgirl, Heyne). It’s a comic novel set largely during the making of #BillyWilder ‘s Sherlock Holmes film, and there’s a nice cover quote from the mighty #JonathanCoe. Now looking for agent to represent latest novel, a pre-#GunpowderPlot tale of intrigue.
#gunpowderplot #jonathancoe #billywilder #dasscriptgirl #unbound #thecontinuitygirl #introduction
Playing around trying to get a good shot of Jonathan Coe’s brilliant new novel!
#books #jonathancoe #bournville
#books #jonathancoe #bournville