And here he is trying to justify his outburst on local #wokerati by trying to say he was 'having a larf'
Jonathan Gullis screaming like a goat in the house of commons. (apologies)
#jonathangullis #gullis #ToryMP #GTTO
"If Stoke-on-Trent North MP Jonathan Gullis, whose brain is made of the offal sausage manufacturers reject as unfit for human consumption,..."
That's a pretty apt description of #JonathanGullis from #StewartLee.
#jonathangullis #stewartlee #garygate
When #JonathanGullis was a shit #teacher some kids printed this out and pinned it up everywhere. Apparently he went ape shit when they kept calling him #JonathanSeagull .
It's a good book. What a wanker. I'm a teacher and if I met him in the staff room I would wipe his coffee mug with raw chicken breast. #salmonella
#jonathangullis #teacher #jonathanseagull #Salmonella #jonathangullismp #GTTO
Q: When doing vox pops, should journalists correct members of the public who, for example, claim incorrectly that France takes fewer #refugees than England? Yes, they should.
#Journalism should not reflect public stupidity; it exists to report and inform.
And for the moment let's leave aside the wisdom of soliciting comment from that putrid cyst in human form known as #JonathanGullis MP.
#refugees #journalism #jonathangullis #c4news
#JonathanGullis asks "Why don't the asylum seekers seek refuge in France or Germany"?
#ZoeGardner gives the most succinct perfect answer
#refugeesWelcome #asylumseekers #gtto #toriesout #refugees #ToryMP #julianfawcett
#jonathangullis #zoegardner #RefugeesWelcome #asylumseekers #GTTO #ToriesOut #refugees #ToryMP #julianfawcett
Jonathan Gullis (and everybody else) is put straight on why asylum-seekers can come to the UK | Vox Political
#jonathangullis #asylumseekers #refugee
"Tory MP posts strange video branding constituents 'savages' and 'scroats'"
That's no way to talk of one's voters and constituency Conservative Association!
Jonathon Gullis doesn’t understand that showing us the areas of his constituency that have declined under 13 years of Tory rule isn’t quite the advertisement he thinks it is. He's also been their MP for 3 years. Also calling his constituents scumbags, savages and scrotes isn't really an election winner.
#JonathanGullis #stoke #stokeOnTrent #Tory #Tunstall
#smallthorne #cobridge #gtto #julianFawcettMP #jonathangullisMp
#jonathangullis #Stoke #StokeOnTrent #tory #tunstall #smallthorne #cobridge #GTTO #julianfawcettmp #jonathangullismp
If you didn't hear about the vile #ToryScum #JonathanGullis' horrific heckling in #Parliament on the shocking missing child refugee situation yesterday, watch this short #DamoRants TikTok - This is #ToryBritain #ChildRefugees #RefugeesWelcome #AllRefugeesWelcome #ToriesOut
#toryscum #jonathangullis #parliament #damorants #torybritain #childrefugees #refugeeswelcome #allrefugeeswelcome #toriesout
RT @desertrose1969
Dear @LindsayHoyle_MP
So, are you going to do anything about the abhorrent comments made by #JonathanGullis yesterday or are you going to let hate speech like that, against CHILDREN, go?
Here’s an opportunity for you to redeem yourself and show you have a backbone. Take it.
200 asylum-seeking children go missing – Tory MP says they should not have come to UK illegally | Vox Political
#JonathanGullis #asylum #seeking #children #missing #UK #hotels #PMQs #Prime #Minister #Questions #TulipSiddiq #RishiSunak
#torychildtrafficking #jonathangullis #asylum #seeking #children #missing #uk #hotels #pmqs #prime #minister #questions #tulipsiddiq #rishisunak
Given his vile interruption in the HoC today, I'm astonished that #JonathanGullis was ever let anywhere near children, as he obviously hates them. #ToryScum
Tulip Sadiq asks the prime minister about the welfare of 200 unaccompanied migrant children who’ve gone missing
Tory MP Jonathan Gullis heckles ‘well they shouldn’t have come here illegally’
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, the Tory Party find a new low
There's nothing illegal about crossing any sea on a dinghy. It's not an illegal route, it's an irregular and unsafe route. Safe, regular routes need to be provided
#PMQs #gullis #jonathanGullis #tulipSadiq #gtto #tories #toryMp #tory
#gullis #jonathangullis #PMQs #tulipsadiq #GTTO #Tories #ToryMP #tory