@Ashton @funnymonkey
Youth in the US (elsewhere too) suffer more from depression than in the past, and there are reasons to think there was an inflection point in the 21st Century. Prof. #JonathanHaidt discusses potential causes at https://jonathanhaidt.substack.com/p/social-media-mental-illness-epidemic
He thinks smart phones and social media are the principal factor.
#jonathanhaidt #mentalhealth #socialmedia
Prof. #JonathanHaidt argues the smart phone and social media have been terrible for the #MentalHealth of young people. Here's a post on the topic.
New CDC report shows Covid added little to mental health trends
Thanks for explaining what you mean. You may be right.
Personally, I see (North American) #parenting as being overly protective and planned, and I hope we're learning to give our children more independence and responsibility; but I'm not sure what direction the trend is going in at the moment.
(My ideas are largely informed by Prof. #JonathanHaidt , e.g. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IoXpNJLFngc )
If we don't let children explore and play on their own, they don't learn resilience.
You can listen to Prof. #JonathanHaidt here, claiming that modern #parenting is fuelling mental illness:
@Kitchi The country you think you live in, is not the same as the country you actually live in. - what could have possessed 74 million Americans to vote for an old overweight shonky businessman from New York - now Florid(a). Albert Einstein - “There are 2 things I know that are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, but I’m not really sure about the universe. The Righteous Mind #jonathanhaidt
“We all have a lot of power in that we can all go easier on each other. Don't engage in comment threads, don't attack. People don't just understand that we're all being driven crazy. And this doesn't end until we start going easier on each other.” — #JonathanHaidt
“when #socialmedia changed between 2009 and 2012, it really changed in ways that made it much better for intimidation and harassment. You get #likes and #retweets, #algorithmic #citation. It's that petty intimidation of even a nobody tweeting a nasty slur at you. That seems to really affect people. It makes them go silent. And when dissenters go silent, the #institution gets #stupid.” — #JonathanHaidt
#Socialmedia #likes #retweets #algorithmic #citation #institution #stupid #jonathanhaidt
I want to hear from #JonathanHaidt about #MoralDisgust when #Conservatives are #Disgusting like this.
#jonathanhaidt #moraldisgust #conservatives #disgusting
#MoralDisgust #ResearchEthics #JonathanHaidt #Phacking
Psychological scientists talk about their ethical dilemmas that arise form the lack of ethical standards.
My favorite chapter
Chapter 29
Desperate Data Analysis by a Desperate Job Candidate Jonathan Haidt
#moraldisgust #researchethics #jonathanhaidt #phacking
Praise for #JonathanHaidt by the #RightWing #NASty
#jonathanhaidt #rightwing #nasty #nationalacademyofscholars
#JonathanHaidt at his best. Well worth the (long) read, as a very comprehensive overview of the mess we’re in.
You might be interested in #JonathanHaidt 's research about moral foundations purportedly underlying the political divide in #uspol .
"The theory proposes six foundations: Care/Harm, Fairness/Cheating, Loyalty/Betrayal, Authority/Subversion, Sanctity/Degradation, and Liberty/Oppression."
Where is the hard-on emoji? I can’t find it.
#jonathanhaidt #jordanpeterson #stevenpinker
The great #JonathanHaidt again:
#jonathanhaidt #podcast #instagram #quillette
Clinical Psychological #Science, a week ago:
“There Is No Evidence That Associations Between Adolescents’ Digital #Technology Engagement and #MentalHealth Problems Have Increased”
I’d be curious to know what #JonathanHaidt thinks about that study.
#jonathanhaidt #science_ #technology #mentalhealth
Read #JonathanHaidt @jonhaidt@twitter.com!
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“If scholars scan each others' collective work—every word written or recorded—searching for the least charitable reading of every snippet, we can all destroy each other.”
— #JonathanHaidt