"I like to see people reunited, I like to see people run to each other, I like the kissing and the crying, I like the impatience, the stories that the mouth can't tell fast enough, the ears that aren't big enough, the eyes that can't take in all of the change, I like the hugging, the bringing together, the end of missing someone." — Jonathan Safran Foer — — — #JonathanSafranFoer #quote #quotes #reunion #miss #missing #hugging #kissing #crying #togetherness
#jonathansafranfoer #quote #quotes #Reunion #miss #missing #hugging #kissing #crying #togetherness
I recommended one of my good non-vegan friends a number of films with a #vegan POV, and he thanked me for the recommendations. In turn he suggested I check out the movie #EatingAnimals, directed by #ChristopherQuinn. I see that it is the film adaptation of the book by the same name, written by #JonathanSafranFoer. I had ambivalence in buying the book when I saw it on the shelves last Christmas, and chose against it in the end due to Foer not being vegan.
The movie however I felt I was able to watch online, and so in respect to my friends recommendation, I gave it a chance. The movie I have to say, I did enjoy, though I was disappointed it didn't promote a stronger #veganism message.
It ticks some things for me:
-Factory farming animals is bad. ✅
-Shows how farmers are stuck in a contract with big corporations to do their bidding. ✅
-Showcasing the incredible amount of feces that gets dumped in the environment, polluting our planet. ✅
-Talks about the excessive antibiotic use on these animals. ✅
But it also has some crosses for me:
-It tried to make it seem if we went to "the good old days" then the animals will be happy. Environmentally, going to the good old days is not feasible. ❌
-It talks about humanely raised animal meat and animal dairy. That is unfortunately a bit of an #oxymoron. ❌
Overall, I will thank my friend for the recommendation, and in turn, suggest he check out #Dominion. 😂
#GoVegan #VeganForTheAnimals #Vegans #AnimalRights #VeganForTheMovies
#vegan #eatinganimals #christopherquinn #jonathansafranfoer #veganism #oxymoron #dominion #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #vegans #animalrights #veganforthemovies
"What about the teakettle?"
first sentence of "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by #JonathanSafranFoer on #isbnmaschine
#isbnmaschine #jonathansafranfoer
"We would have been save."
last sentence of "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by #JonathanSafranFoer on #isbnmaschine
#isbnmaschine #jonathansafranfoer
11. Dezember:
Also: Wer macht mit?
Denn "Wir sind das Klima" betont Jonathan Safran Foer.
#Winterkalender #Adventskalender #JonathanSafranFoer #KiepenheuerWitsch #ZitateFürsKlima
#Klimabuchmesse #Winterkalender #adventskalender #jonathansafranfoer #kiepenheuerwitsch #zitatefursklima
“The world doesn't need more published novels, the world needs a lot more writers,” says #JonathanSafranFoer. “I have never written a book that I intended to write & I have never not been surprised by the contents of my head & heart.” #VelshiBannedBookClub http://ow.ly/cHSh50M0aF4
#jonathansafranfoer #velshibannedbookclub
Lovely idea - are we allowed ancient and modern?
#shakespeare #dickens #austen #georgeelliot #emilydickinson #tonimorrison #ngugiwathiongo #chimamandangoziadichie #sirihusvedt #jonathansafranfoer
New today at my #eBay store, a #1stEdition of #JonathanSafranFoer's 2005 #ExtremelyLoudAndIncrediblyClose, just $30 or best offer. https://ebay.us/Oc4zHJ
#ebay #1stedition #jonathansafranfoer #extremelyloudandincrediblyclose