Tom Evans · @tomwe
119 followers · 869 posts · Server

I let out an audible when my podcast app started playing the new today. I autocue that show as next whenever a new one is released, so I didn't know it was coming you see. They have been on hiatus for a few months due to life. 's first guest for the return of the show is , author of the novel series. Have a listen!

#whoop #2000ad #thrillcast #michaelmolcher #jonathanstroud #lockwoodandco

Last updated 2 years ago

Ryan Lucas · @Electricrocket
98 followers · 180 posts · Server

I'm not ashamed to say I was a big fan of Jonathan Stroud's YA "Lockwood & Co" series. It was Harry Potter meets Ghostbusters with an edge. Fun, funny, well written.

I'm two episodes into the TV adaptation, and man is it spot on. It's a testament to Stroud's writing and the filmmakers that it's coming out almost exactly as I pictured it in my head.

#bookstoton #bookadaptations #books #jonathanstroud #lockwoodandco

Last updated 2 years ago

Meghana :bongoCat: · @aspiringcat
1212 followers · 955 posts · Server

I’m reading the Lockwood and Co. after such a long time after watching the show! I can’t believe I forgot how entrancing Jonathan Stroud’s writing style was and now after I finish this, I wanna go back to Bartimaeus series — I miss these books so much!!

I thought I’d cringe at YA after this long, but I forgot how much fun it actually was to read these series where you spend weeks reading a book after the other and get lost in the story ❤️


#books #jonathanstroud

Last updated 2 years ago

Meghana :bongoCat: · @aspiringcat
1195 followers · 930 posts · Server

I'm addicted to Lockwood and Co.! The TV show is absolutely perfect, with its amazing pacing and soundtrack that’s perfect for the energy levels. Now, I can't help but want to go back and read all of Jonathan Stroud's books again!

Feels like I’ve unlocked a new comfort show but this time it’s a horror detective mystery?

#lockwoodandco #jonathanstroud #books #netflix #tvseries

Last updated 2 years ago

Julia Howe · @juliahowe
213 followers · 1125 posts · Server

I’m enjoying the adaptation of the Lockwood and Co books. Very well done and with a brilliant post punk soundtrack. I love the books even though I’m well out of their intended audience.

#lockwoodandco #postpunk #netflix #jonathanstroud #joecornish

Last updated 2 years ago

💭 tinderness · @tinderness
288 followers · 4078 posts · Server

🎥 Heute startete auf , die Verfilmung der Romane von . Bis jetzt (Folge 4) eine spannende und gar nicht dümmlich erzählte Version des Sujets . Obwohl im Teenie - Look bietet die Serie duchaus auch für Boomer eine geeignete Identifikationsfläche. Die drei Held:innen sind durchaus "realitätstaugliche Geschöpfe", wie die SZ schon 2013 schrieb, von spannend in die Serie übersetzt. Nette Kost für die kalten Abende im Wohnzimmer.

#netflix #lockwood #jonathanstroud #geisterjager #joecornish

Last updated 2 years ago