This week, scammers in India arrested for selling fake X-ray specs, and the Loch Ness Monsterโs most dedicated hunter hasnโt seen Nessie in a very long time.
#Hulk #MCU #fanfiction #BruceBanner #QuentinTarantino #science #TI #India #Xrayspecs #comics #drstrange #shaniaTwain #truecrime #hoax #scam #Xray #heatherlocklear #exploitationmovies #videogames #JonGries #controversy #Scotland #LochNess #LochNessmonster #Nessie #cryptid #cryptozoology #GregLouganis #Bigfoot #Sasquatch #weird #News
#hulk #mcu #fanfiction #brucebanner #quentintarantino #science #ti #india #xrayspecs #comics #drstrange #shaniatwain #truecrime #hoax #scam #xray #heatherlocklear #exploitationmovies #videogames #jongries #controversy #scotland #lochness #lochnessmonster #nessie #cryptid #cryptozoology #greglouganis #bigfoot #sasquatch #weird #news
Randy and Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite getting married would utterly break the internet! #NapoleonDynamite #Napoleon #Randy #BrackenJohnson #UncleRico #JonGries
#napoleondynamite #napoleon #randy #brackenjohnson #unclerico #jongries
Principal Svadean and Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite - kiss when? #NapoleonDynamite #Napoleon #PrincipalSvadean #ThomasLefler #UncleRico #JonGries
#napoleondynamite #napoleon #principalsvadean #thomaslefler #unclerico #jongries
๐๐๐๐ Ana Lucia Cortez and Roger Linus from Lost are endgame. #Lost #AnaLuciaCortez #MichelleRodriguez #RogerLinus #JonGries
#lost #analuciacortez #michellerodriguez #rogerlinus #jongries