❝ In hindsight, [Jon Hassell] traced his interest in global music — what Hassell would call “Fourth World” music — to such encounters [in his hometown of Memphis], “back to the crossing of cultures thing. I thought to myself later, after I left, ‘You never really know your place.’ Even if you grow up in a small town, you don’t really know what it is until you leave and you look back on it again.” ❞ → https://memphismagazine.com/culture/the-persistence-of-memory-—-and-the-blues/
Jon Hassell - 'Nightsky' [in "Further Fictions", cd 1 "The Living City" (Live at the Winter Garden, 9/17/1989) , ed. 2023]
Live mix: Brian Eno
#JonHassell #BrianEno #nightsky #music
#jonhassell #brianeno #nightsky #music
Looking for some #JonHassell recordings I came across this mix. The mixologist for this site makes some very cool compilations, mostly ambient.
#JonHassell's music makes very different kinds of sense when you approach it as heady tribal(ish)ambient 'world music'--his supertreated horn producing pure textural electrosonics which already make some sense in that musical domain--vs something like a cleaner, (paradoxically?) whiter mid-70s #MilesDavis ensemble groove, built around actual bizarre #trumpet playing.
i hear it as one thing on the outbound train, another thing on the inbound, so to speak.
#jonhassell #milesdavis #trumpet
Wow, deze beelden! Achter de schermen bij een stuk pophistorie. Je ziet #DavidSylvian aan het werk aan het magistrale album #BrilliantTrees, in 1984 in de #HansaTonStudios in #Berlin, met achtereenvolgens #RyuichiSakamoto, #HolgerCzukay en #JonHassell.
#jonhassell #HolgerCzukay #ryuichisakamoto #berlin #hansatonstudios #brillianttrees #davidsylvian
Wow! Not one, not two, but three new albums from the late Jon Hassell to be released next month – but already available to listen and download from the bandcamp website. (Thanks, Jon!)
#nowplaying City: Works of Fiction by Jon Hassell. Decided to give this a serious listening to. I don't find it the easiest album to get into but it's growing on me #jonhassell #fourthworld
#nowplaying #jonhassell #fourthworld
Listening to "Listening to Pictures" an amazing Jon Hassell album. He was awesome to the end #jonhassell #fourthworld #music
#jonhassell #fourthworld #music
This Jon Hassell track hasn’t been far from my deck lately, great album.
#jazz #electronicmusic #jonhassell #vinyl #vinylcollection #vnylcommunity #leftfield #ambient
#Jazz #electronicmusic #jonhassell #vinyl #vinylcollection #vnylcommunity #leftfield #ambient
I forgot to do my music hashtags: I'm back into #trumpet playing after 38 years, I love #jazz, but I'm playing in an orchestra now. Some of my idols are #milesdavis #jonhassell #dizzygillespie, and beyond trumpet I love bass players like #jacopastorius #marcusmiller #billlaswell #eberhardweber. I also like #experimentalmusic and #artrock but not any particular artists I can think of at the moment.
#trumpet #jazz #milesdavis #jonhassell #dizzygillespie #jacopastorius #marcusmiller #billlaswell #eberhardweber #experimentalmusic #artrock