#jonhmastodon desprendía tanta follabilidad el día de su boda que todos los asistentes quedaron embarazados.
*Advertencia, no se incluye documento gráfico por las posibilidades de sufrir un embarazo no deseado
#anecdotasdejohnmastodon #jonhmastodon
why do you want to name #errorphant as if it were other character?.. it's just #JonhMastodon having a little time of philosophical reflection... 😉 🐘
Gotta say, playing with #DALLE is pretty underwhelming these days, both the UI and the outputs of MidJourney and DreamStudio are way better.
That being said, here is what it output for "John Mastodon, the creator of the software Mastodon, DSLR portrait".
It seems to have a bit of a bias as to how software devs look...
In this little-known engraving, we see the still-young John Mastodon in one of his original forms, devising the theoretical principles of a certain apparatus that is known in modern times as the Antikythera Mechanism.
#JonhMastodon cherishes cats. They cared for him as a wee babe and taught him all he knows about stealth, prowess, independence and landing on his feet. 9Lives #JohnMastodon!