New Yorker: Jon Meacham: Indictment Won’t Break Trump Fever #NewYorker #Podcast/ThePoliticalScenePodcast #AmericanHistory #DonaldTrump #JonMeacham #Podcasts #JoeBiden
#newyorker #podcast #americanhistory #donaldtrump #jonmeacham #podcasts #joebiden
New Yorker: A Biden Ally on the Post-Indictment Stakes of Another Trump Presidency #NewYorker #Culture/TheNewYorkerInterview #Podcast/TheNewYorkerRadioHour #DonaldTrump #Interviews #JonMeacham #Democracy #JoeBiden #History #America
#newyorker #Culture #podcast #donaldtrump #interviews #jonmeacham #democracy #joebiden #history #america
"If you divorce power from conscience, you get January 6th" -Jon Meacham #JonMeacham #MorningJoe
#JonMeacham year in review:
“You think about this administration, it began in era of disease, distrust & insurrection in January of 2021, & besides that Mrs. Lincoln how was the play? Right?”
- Best use of this phrase ever.
Stephanie @sruhle Michael @beschlossdc @11thhour @msnbc
#jonmeacham #stephanieruhle #michaelbeschloss #11thhour #msnbc