#MyOldSchool the
#JonoMcLeod directed documentary that just went on #BBCTWO was exceptional. Complex, poignant, witty, sophisticated, insightful, warm, funny & reflective. Great animation. Recommend.
#BrandonLee #BrianMcKinnon
@hopscotchfilms 😍 Producers: #JohnArcher #OliviaLichtenstein
Special mention #AlanCummings #LULU
#myoldschool #jonomcleod #bbctwo #brandonlee #brianmckinnon #johnarcher #olivialichtenstein #alancummings #lulu
CLASS ACT: Jono McLeod's feature documentary 'My Old School' tells the story of a Glasgow teenager with the help of Alan Cumming, Lulu and Claire Grogan. As the December mop up of the year's movies continues, Pomona is beguiled by a witty documentary combining lip synching, live action interviews and animation.. https://pomonarewind.blogspot.com/2022/12/class-act-my-old-school.html #scotland #film #documentary #teenagers #cinema #glasgow #secondaryschool #deception #jonomcleod #alancumming #lulu #clairegrogan
#scotland #film #documentary #teenagers #cinema #glasgow #secondaryschool #deception #jonomcleod #alancumming #lulu #clairegrogan
CLASS ACT: Jono McLeod's feature documentary 'My Old School' tells the story of a Glasgow teenager with the help of Alan Cumming, Lulu and Claire Grogan. As the December mop up of the year's movies continues, Pomona is beguiled by a witty documentary combining lip synching, live action interviews and animation.. https://pomonarewind.blogspot.com/2022/12/class-act-my-old-school.html #scotland #film #documentary #teenagers #cinema #glasgow #secondaryschool #deception #jonomcleod #alancumming #lulu #clairegrogan
#scotland #film #documentary #teenagers #cinema #glasgow #secondaryschool #deception #jonomcleod #alancumming #lulu #clairegrogan