@haverholm Yes, footnotes do need individual identifiers. However, if you use the same id twice, like in:
Some[^1] text[^1].
[^1]: lorem ipsum.
Here's how it will render in Joplin:
Some[1] text[1:1].
1. lorem ipsum.
Which can be handy too!
(NB: this works with MD flavors that use the CommonMark spec with footnotes plugins, like in #Joplin or in the #Github editor)
Ich bin ja seit längerem auf der Suche nach einer #OneNote Alternative, die ich auf Tablet UND Computer benutzen kann. Am besten kostenlos, wenn kostenpflichtig dann ohne Abo.
Jetzt hab ich #Joplin gefunden mit Nextcloud Unterstützung, Apps auf allen Plattformen und ich dachte: Jetzt hab ich endlich meine Alternative.
Leider kann man nicht mit Stift drin rummalen, so wie bei OneNote.
Gibt es denn keine vernünftige Alternative? 😭
after the latest update to version 2.12.15 of @joplinapp I get an "Invalid property format" error (without any further specification) on all my installations. having changed nothing to the way the data files are stored, where could this come from? 🤔 #joplin #joplinapp
The #KansasCity Area Transportation Authority has released a survey to evaluate #PublicTransit options to serve KCI airport. Please take it if you live in the area -it includes an interactive map!
The survey is linked under “ONLINE PUBLIC MEETING” here: https://www.marc.org/transportation/plans-and-studies/kansas-city-international-airport-public-transit-services-action
#AutofreiKS #AutofreiMO #FuckCars #WarOnCars #TheWarOnCars #autofrei #Urbanism #15minuteCities #CarBrain #WalkableCities #StrongTowns #TaylorSwift #PublicTransportation #MARC #Topeka #Joplin #Wichita #Columbia
#KansasCity #publictransit #autofreiks #autofreimo #FuckCars #waroncars #TheWarOnCars #Autofrei #urbanism #15minutecities #CarBrain #walkablecities #strongtowns #taylorswift #PublicTransportation #marc #topeka #joplin #wichita #columbia
When I got rid of #Evernote, I tried both #Joplin and #Obsidian.
Joplin worked easily for notes exported from Evernote but not PDFs.
Obsidian is awesome for all my PDFs in subfolders.
But now I have notes and PDFs on the same topic in different places. I really dislike Joplin renaming files and the messy storage. But when I move some notes over to Obsidian, those with photos are broken. Hmm.
After a very long time searching and trying out, I just discovered my perfect note taking app on #FDroid :
@farfadoc perso j'utilise #Carnet @Carnet https://getcarnet.app/ et #Joplin @joplinapp https://joplinapp.org hébergés sur mon #Nextcloud
Vilken anteckningsapp använder du?
I veckans poddavsnitt jämför vi fyra säkra och integritetsvärnande anteckningsappar: Apple Anteckningar, @joplinapp, Standard Notes och @notesnook.
#anteckning #secondbrain #pkm #joplin #standardnotes #notesnook
#anteckning #secondbrain #pkm #joplin #standardnotes #notesnook
@morethanevil Super App! Da muss man allerdings auch sagen: Hat einen ganz anderen Scope als #Joplin.
Краткое сравннеие заметочников #Notesnook (на который хотел переключиться) VS #Joplin (который использую давно)
+ красивый. Сильно лучше выглядит
+ Дешевле (аж на $17 в год)
+ E2E
+ лучше мобильное приложение
- не настоящий офлайн при синхронизации
- не умеет экспортировать md с вложением
- в Linux desktop app не работает экспорт в PDF и HTML (сломан)
Вот и вопрос, что вроде нравится, но перейти на него, кажется не получится
Bootnotes ещё смотрел. на много дороже и ту мач функций
Feels like an achievement: @joplinapp lists the app's community at Sopuli (https://sopuli.xyz/c/joplinapp) among their official social media sites!
@saaste oma serveri kiinnostaisi! Tietotaito ei vielä riitä, pitää opiskella lisää. Vaihdoin #Joplin'iin pari päivää sitten, kun sen sai synkattua laitteiden välillä Dropboxin kautta e2e-salattuna (koitin ensin Nextcloudia ostetulla kotisivuserveritilalla, mutta ei onnistunut).
@euklidiadas Si eres muy activo tomando notas, un mes de perdida de las mismas, puede ser un palo muy grande.
He probado Obsidian y me gusta, pero por el momento sigo fiel a @joplinapp que sincroniza online (con cifrado, imprescindible para mi) y es open source.
@arnan Nope. Joplin is #markdown on purpose, so if that doesn’t work for you, it may not be a good option.
It took me a bit to get used to markdown, and I was definitely hostile towards learning it in the beginning, but Joplin being open source, cross-platform, and the ability to sync privately were all features that I demanded, so I learned markdown and now #Joplin has become a storage closet for my brain - just indispensable.
But I totally get how markdown isn’t for everyone.