#MediaMatters notes the bloodlust on the right as conservative pundits openly call for the execution and extrajudicial killing of those who they believe deserve to die. As usual, they cast those they disdain as pedophiles and groomers, but the concerns over actual gun violence against kids in schools are strikingly absent. https://tinyurl.com/2eku2hct
#mediamatters #executions #capitalpunishment #MAGA #jordanneeley #lgbtq
I appreciate SassyCrass putting into words one of the (many) things about #JordanNeeley's murder that has been putting me on edge: a Black man was simply vocalizing his frustrations with a system that marginalized him, that kept him unhoused, hungry and insecure in all ways--and the public response was that his saying the truth was disruptive and "due to" a mental health crisis.
And that that is punishable with public execution.
It's a twitter thread, that links to all sorts of receipts.
Please note (in one of the subthreads) the point about the murderer having been a Marine, trained on chokeholds.
#JordanNeeley was choked to death over fifteen minutes--and neither the murderer nor the witnesses seemed to realize how unnatural/bad it is to hold someone like that for that long.
We need more empathy.
Also on Bill Lehrer's radio show:
When AP wonders how come there's #Fascism about, please remind the fuckers of their complicity.
"defense against disorder" is just a great way to say, "a white man murdered a Black man in cold blood, in public, for the crime of being loud"
"man dies"? "placed in a chokehold"? A Black subway passenger was murdered in cold blood by a white man and the #PressIsComplicit
#AssociatedPress #Racism #JordanNeeley
#jordanneeley #racism #associatedpress #pressiscomplicit #fascism
This sort of thing has been going on for decades and afaik one of the root causes is the abysmal failure of NY State, a decades old failure, to help mentally ill people
If you are from NY, you know that the state mental "hospitals" were horror shows (Willowbrook)
This twitter thread says it all: why do we have cops, why do we defund every other public service in the name of "cops keeping communities safe" when we have a white man murder a Black man over fifteen minutes, in public, and no cops show up?
#ericadams #acab #jordanneeley #fascism
(see the post above)
Also, unless this lecture includes, repeatedly, the phrase, "that means YOU cannot react disproportionally: no, YOUR situation is not special, no, you are not exempt from this" along with confiscation of weapons, we'd be just wasting effort and time.
Because it matters: #JordanNeeley's murderer is white, and hasn't been charged or arrested, despite there being live fucking video of the murder.
#racism #whitesupremacy #blacklivesmatter #jordanneeley