Stop! Let's Team-Up! · @jsa4e
53 followers · 201 posts · Server

It is time to meet Mark Shaw and the Manhunter.  Danger Streeet Book Five is a mulitlayer chapter bringing the players in the together.  The are by Jorge Fornes and Dave Stewarat's art and colors build a cinematic feel, like a 70s cop movie, but with superheroes

#ddcomics #manhunter #jackkirby #dangerstree #1stissuespeical #batman #creeper #ladycop #dingbats #codenameassasin #tomking #jorgefornes #davestewart #starman

Last updated 1 year ago

Nerdenthum · @nerdenthum
5 followers · 157 posts · Server

Batman #69 [deu]
Batman Inc. unter neuer Führung

Autor: Joshua Williamson, Ed BrissonZeichner: Howard Porter, Jorge Fornés, John TimmsFarben: Tomeu Morey, Rex LokusLettering: WalprojectÜbersetzung: Ralph KruhmKaufen: Panini ShopErscheinungsdatum: 03.01.2023Bewertung: 3,5/5

Batman kehrt nach

#comics #batman #edbrisson #howardporter #jorgefornes #joshuawilliamson #panini #ralphkruhm #rexlokus #tomeumorey #walproject

Last updated 2 years ago

Stop! Let's Team-Up! · @jsa4e
51 followers · 144 posts · Server

Ross talks Danger Street' fist issue and the first issue of the 1st Issue Special #1 from 1975. The first issue retroduces us to it's cast of characters and sets the table for what is to come. Ross travels back to 1975, or to be honest to his bookshelf to grab 1st Issue Specials hardcover to read Jack Kirby's Atlas. He has thoughts to share about both books, the state of comics, and other things that pop into his noggin.

#dccomics #tomking #jorgefornes

Last updated 2 years ago

Stop! Let's Team-Up! · @jsa4e
51 followers · 166 posts · Server

Ross talks Danger Street' fist issue and the first issue of the 1st Issue Special #1 from 1975. The first issue retroduces us to it's cast of characters and sets the table for what is to come. Ross travels back to 1975, or to be honest to his bookshelf to grab 1st Issue Specials hardcover to read Jack Kirby's Atlas. He has thoughts to share about both books, the state of comics, and other things that pop into his noggin.

#dccomics #tomking #jorgefornes

Last updated 2 years ago