Porque el crimen no descansa en la ciudad de "Las Vegas", #GilGrissom regresa con su equipo en la serie secuela de #CSICrimeSceneInvestigation, #CSIVegas estreno 1er episodio el 3 de octubre en el canal #AXN!
#proximamente #gilgrissom #csicrimesceneinvestigation #csivegas #axn #williampetersen #jorjafox #cbsstudios #paulanewsome
30 years ago today:
Law & Order
S3E20: Securitate
When a Romanian immigrant kills, his lawyer announces he will plead his client "not guilty due to cultural insanity" claiming the man had been conditioned to violence in his homeland.
Airdate: 1993-05-05
#LawOrder #JerryOrbach #JorjaFox #NBC #TV
#laworder #jerryorbach #jorjafox #nbc #tv
CSI: VEGAS: Season 2, Episode 19: Dead Memories Plot Synopsis, Director, & Air Date [CBS]
#FilmBook #TVShowNews #CBS #CharlesBaker #CSI:Vegas #DavidNorona #JayLee #JorjaFox #MandeepDhillon #MarcoMorales #MattLauria #MelRodriguez #ParamountPlus #PaulGuilfoyle #PaulaNewsome #SeanJames #TVShowNews #WhitneyOrtega #WilliamPetersen
#filmbook #tvshownews #cbs #charlesbaker #csi #davidnorona #jaylee #jorjafox #mandeepdhillon #marcomorales #mattlauria #melrodriguez #paramountplus #paulguilfoyle #paulanewsome #seanjames #whitneyortega #williampetersen