Jvais juste faire une petite #introductionfr mais en gros ici :
- Shitpost
- Weeberie (surtout #josei & shojo)
- Un peu de photos / dessins
- #TDAH & #Dyspraxie
- Et du jeu vidéo (un peu) !
#introductionfr #josei #tdah #dyspraxie
Lecture du jour
Bibliophile Princess de Yui Kikuta, Yui et Satsuki Sheena T01
Après l'animé, c'est le manga qui arrive chez nous. Ayant bien appréciée la série, je me suis jetée sur le livre, surtout que ça fait longtemps qu’on a pas eu un nouveau titre du Comic zero-sum.
Même si je connais déjà le début, ça m'a fait plaisir de retrouver les personnages et ma chère Elianna.
#manga #josei #romance #fantasy
Lecture du jour :
Saisons Maudites de Asuka Konishi T01 & 02
Premier manga que je lis de la mangaka et je suis sous le charme de son style graphique et narratif.
Ici elle nous offre un récit touchant et mélancolique. Notre protagoniste principale Natsumi vient de perdre sa petite sœur d'un cancer et tombe peu à peu dans la dépression. On a aussi Tôgo, le fiancé de Haru la sœur de Natsumi, qui est complétement perdu et souffre de la pression de sa mère qui gère sa vie.
Lecture du jour :
Entre les lignes de Yamashita Tomoko T07
C'est toujours un plaisir de lire un nouveau tome d'Entre les linges.
Asa se pose pas mal de question sur son père et demande à son entourage pour en savoir plus. Elle essaye de se trouver en faisant plusieurs expériences.
J'apprécie beaucoup les personnages et la façon dont l'autrice les fait interagir entre eux.
Graphiquement c'est toujours un délice, ainsi qu'une mise en page réussie.
#manga #josei #drame #tranchedevie
What a great week! One of my favorite josei was finally updated. The last chapter was released in September '22.
High Teen Boogie is a Manga that started in 1978 and was never released in the west. There is still no official release, but at least some fans are translating it since 2020. The story hits all the marks for "well-behaved girl + delinquent", but it's interesting because it evolves very fast from Highschool to Family Drama. The story is also very heavy and needs a lot of content warnings. #Manga #Josei
Spoiler: High Teen Boogie - ch. 61
Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi
(The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague)
#anime #manga #SliceOfLife #Supernatural #review #Josei
Himuro-kun is a living descendant of the Snow Woman from Japanese folklore. But anytime he's around his eccentric yet kind colleague, Fuyutsuki-san, he totally freezes up!
Read what we thought at
#anime #manga #sliceoflife #Supernatural #review #josei
Stepping on Roses by Rinko Ueda is an incredibly trashy and historically inaccurate Meiji era romance series, but it has great art and amuses me so of COURSE I needed it for my #shojosei #manga collection.
But of COURSE this series is out of print and I just spent 60 bucks on this single manga volume, cause of course I did. But hey, got another comic series complete in my collection.
#shojo #josei collector life lol
Crying all the way to the bank.
#shojosei #manga #shojo #josei
8. A Condition Called Love 1 by Megumi Morino
A high school romance #manga featuring a demisexual heroine & a hero who falls in love too hard, too fast. The lead character in this series feel very fresh and unique in all of #shoujo and #josei (or shojosei lol). The art's so beautiful too. I do rec this one a lot.
#manga #shoujo #josei #janreads
6. Perfect World 1 & 2 by Rie Aruga
A #josei romance #manga about a young woman who reconnects w/ her high school crush later in life except in the time since she last saw him, he was in an accident & is now a wheelchair user. It's very clear the mangaka did her research about spinal cord injuries, but the heroine's anxiety about their relationship, while realistic, is making this a hard read for me. I'll probably wait until I'm in a better mood to pick up the rest of the series.
The Wotakoi podcast episode is out now!
Ellie of
the Religiously Nerdy podcast joins to discuss this hilarious, heartwarming josei series about the romantic trials of otaku. We discuss the three main couples (sweet Ko and Nao!!), how relatable the series is, and more.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6A3dB12kqWxE9uvoh16Zed?si=f23813d4ece34f3b
#wotakoi #josei #joseimanga #podcast #manga #mangapodcast
Futakuchi-Onna - 二口女 - [Yokai]
A woman with two mouths: A gaping maw has formed on the back of her head. (sometimes an axe wound, other times the result of a curse.) The second mouth is a foodie and complains whenever it’s not eating!
🍚 Full post: https://samkalensky.com/products/futakuchi-onna
🪓Etsy: https://etsy.me/3rvMrLa
👄Club: http://patreon.com/samkalensky
#bestiary #hangry #hungry #josei #yokai #japan #folklore
Futakuchi-Onna - 二口女 - [Yokai]
A woman with two mouths: A gaping maw has formed on the back of her head. (sometimes an axe wound, other times the result of a curse.) The second mouth is a foodie and complains whenever it’s not eating!
🍚 Full post: https://samkalensky.com/products/futakuchi-onna
🪓Etsy: https://etsy.me/3rvMrLa
👄Club: http://patreon.com/samkalensky
#bestiary #hangry #hungry #josei #yokai #japan #folklore
💥 BOOM! Más licencias, en este caso @ArechiManga que ayer anunció un #josei y un #BL
📚 Gericault
📚 Goodbye to Destiny
📑 https://t.co/mVaXvDm8KI
👉 Más info: https://t.co/fR81hyo17w https://t.co/h7NqrPUMq0