kazys · @kazys
199 followers · 467 posts · Server mastodon.social

Mastodon always gets my posts first, so here we are… A new project, this time on Joseph Cornell and William Gibson's Count Zero. varnelis.net/art-and-the-boxma

Still feeling like this is a bit of a draft (another day, another migraine), will doubtless clean up. Let me know what you think.

#criticalaiart #aiart #josephcornell #conceptualart

Last updated 2 years ago

ms_xenophora 🐚 · @xenophora
338 followers · 38345 posts · Server mastodon.art

I was watching short videos about Joseph Cornell again Fri. eve to keep me motivated. Of course, as soon as I cued up a nice long one, I fell asleep 10 mins in. lol

Each "Type box" I make is a nod to him. Each is also a huge pain in the ass which devours the max. possible hours for completion. I invariably hate it for a month or two afterwards. (Then I usually decide, "Well, it's all right, I guess.")

So why keep making 'em? I DON'T KNOW!! DAMN YOOOOU, JOE!!


Last updated 2 years ago