Modesty Blaise (1966) is a movie misfire that is still interesting enough to be worth seeing. Nowhere near as good as the novels or comics. All the movie's problems could have been avoided by sacking Joseph Losey as director.
My review:
#cultmovies #cultmovie #60smovie #60smovies #1960smovie #1960smovies #psychotroniccinema #psychotronicmovie #spies #spymovie #spymovies #PeterODonnell #JosephLosey #DirkBogarde #MonicaVitti #comicbookmovie #comicbookmovies
#cultmovies #cultmovie #60smovie #60smovies #1960smovie #1960smovies #PsychotronicCinema #psychotronicmovie #spies #spymovie #spymovies #peterodonnell #josephlosey #dirkbogarde #monicavitti #comicbookmovie #comicbookmovies
Focus "Survival" 12/12
Deux hommes en fuite (1970)
Un survival existentiel et nihiliste, typique du cinéma des 70’s.
#DeuxHommesEnFuite #FiguresInaLandscape #JosephLosey #MalcolmMcDowell #RobertShaw #Survival #ChasseàLhomme #Traque #Film #Cinema
#deuxhommesenfuite #figuresinalandscape #josephlosey #malcolmmcdowell #robertshaw #survival #chassealhomme #traque #film #cinema
I just watched The Intimate Stranger (Joseph Losey / Alec C. Snowden, 1956) and rated it 4/10 ~ #films #cinema #cinemastodon #TheIntimateStranger #JosephLosey
#josephlosey #theintimatestranger #cinemastodon #cinema #films
57 years ago:
Modesty Blaise (UK)
Modesty Blaise, a secret agent whose hair color, hair style, and mod clothing change at a snap of her fingers is being used by the British government as a decoy in an effort to thwart a diamond heist. She is being set up by the feds but is wise to the plot and calls in sidekick Willie Garvin and a f...
#ModestyBlaise #JosephLosey #MonicaVitti #TerenceStamp #DirkBogarde #20thCenturyFox #ClassicMovies
#modestyblaise #josephlosey #MonicaVitti #terencestamp #dirkbogarde #20thcenturyfox #classicmovies
51 years ago:
The Assassination of Trotsky (FR,GB,IT)
A Stalinist assassin tracks exiled revolutionary Leon Trotsky to Mexico in 1940.
#TheAssassinationofTrotsky #JosephLosey #RichardBurton #AlainDelon #RomySchneider #Film
#theassassinationoftrotsky #josephlosey #richardburton #alaindelon #RomySchneider #film
66 years ago:
Time Without Pity (UK)
Alec Graham is sentenced to death for the murder of his girlfriend Jennie, with whom he spent a weekend at the English country home of the parents of his friend Brian Stanford. Alec’s father, David Graham, a not-so-successful writer and alcoholic who has neglected his son in the past, flies in from ...
#TimeWithoutPity #JosephLosey #MichaelRedgrave #LeoMcKern #PeterCushing #Film
#timewithoutpity #josephlosey #michaelredgrave #leomckern #petercushing #film
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 19: Going through automatic doors on #NationalAutomaticDoorDay
Joseph #Losey's The Damned (1962) starts out as your conventional, lurid, early counterculture affair.
An American tourist visiting #Dorset is tricked by a prostitute, then falls victim to a youth gang controlled by King, a still very green Oliver Reed at his meanest. The trickster is King's sister, who confides in the American hoping to escape her brother's incestuous avances. They elope to a nearby island, closely followed by King and his gang, where they find a group of #children, all contently living in an underground lab, with #AutomaticDoors only they can control. These are the damned.
#film #UK #ColdWar #HammerFilms #JosephLosey #MacdonaldCarey #ShirleyAnneField #OliverReed #TheDamned #horror #drama #SciFi #FilMastodon #CineMastodon @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #nationalautomaticdoorday #losey #dorset #children #automaticdoors #film #uk #coldwar #hammerfilms #josephlosey #macdonaldcarey #shirleyannefield #oliverreed #thedamned #horror #drama #scifi #filmastodon #cinemastodon
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 19: Going through automatic doors on #NationalAutomaticDoorDay
Joseph #Losey's The Damned (1962) starts out as your conventional, lurid, early counterculture affair.
An American tourist visiting #Dorset is tricked by a prostitute, then falls victim to a youth gang controlled by King, a still very green Oliver Reed at his meanest. The trickster is King's sister, who confides in the American hoping to escape her brother's incestuous advances. They elope to a nearby island, closely followed by King and his gang, where they find a group of #children, all contently living in an underground lab, with #AutomaticDoors only they can control. These are the damned.
#film #UK #ColdWar #HammerFilms #JosephLosey #MacdonaldCarey #ShirleyAnneField #OliverReed #TheDamned #horror #drama #SciFi #FilMastodon #CineMastodon @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #nationalautomaticdoorday #losey #dorset #children #automaticdoors #film #uk #coldwar #hammerfilms #josephlosey #macdonaldcarey #shirleyannefield #oliverreed #thedamned #horror #drama #scifi #filmastodon #cinemastodon
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 19: Going through automatic doors on #NationalAutomaticDoorDay
Joseph #Losey's The Damned (1962) starts out as your conventional, lurid, early counterculture affair.
An American tourist visiting Dorset is tricked by a prostitute, then falls victim to a youth gang controlled by King, a still very green Oliver Reed at his meanest. The trickster is King's sister, who confides in the American hoping to escape her brother's incestuous advances. They elope to a nearby island, closely followed by King and his gang, where they find a group of #children, all contently living in an underground lab, with #AutomaticDoors only they can control. These are the damned.
#film #UK #ColdWar #HammerFilms #JosephLosey #MacdonaldCarey #ShirleyAnneField #OliverReed #TheDamned #horror #drama #SciFi #FilMastodon #CineMastodon @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #nationalautomaticdoorday #losey #children #automaticdoors #film #uk #coldwar #hammerfilms #josephlosey #macdonaldcarey #shirleyannefield #oliverreed #thedamned #horror #drama #scifi #filmastodon #cinemastodon
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 19: Going through automatic doors on #NationalAutomaticDoorDay
Joseph Losey's The Damned (1962) starts out as your conventional, lurid, early counterculture affair.
An American tourist visiting Dorset is tricked by a prostitute, then falls victim to a youth gang controlled by King, a still-green Oliver Reed at his meanest. The young woman is King's sister, who confides in the American hoping to escape her brother's incestuous advances. They elope to a nearby island, closely followed by King and his gang, where they find a group of #children, all contently living in an underground lab, with #AutomaticDoors only they can control. These are the damned.
#film #UK #ColdWar #HammerFilms #JosephLosey #OliverReed #horror #drama #SciFi #FilMastodon #CineMastodon @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #nationalautomaticdoorday #children #automaticdoors #film #uk #coldwar #hammerfilms #josephlosey #oliverreed #horror #drama #scifi #filmastodon #cinemastodon
71 years ago:
Stranger on the Prowl (IT)
Original title: Imbarco a mezzanotte
A down-and-out crook on the lam befriends a young street urchin, in an Italian port city. At first amused that the boy is a sneak thief, he tries to deflects the kid from a life of crime. Tipped off by a woman anxious to collect the reward for him (who is wanted for murder), the police pursue the tw...
#StrangerontheProwl #JosephLosey #ClassicMovies
#strangerontheprowl #josephlosey #classicmovies
Frederique (Huppert) works at a trout farm in the rural area. She is young & married to an effeminate young man, Galuchat, who grapples with his sexuality and has suicidal tendencies. Frederique is also disgusted by her father and his friend's behavior among village girls- 'taking them to his chalet' has an ugly connotation. It is revealed in constant flashbacks that she belongs to 'carefree girls club' where they perform rituals and swear to each other never give men what they want. Galuchat and Frederique meet an old couple, Rambert and Lou and their friend St. Genis, a rich business man while bowling. Rambert and St. Genis are immediately smitten by Fred. Soon she is rummages through high society and wrecks a havoc. But she never gives men what they want. Lou and Fred bond over their mutual understanding of men's folly.
It's all Huppert though. Her mixed naivete and nonchalance makes a hell of a complex, beguiling character. #josephlosey #isabellehuppert #latruite
#josephlosey #isabellehuppert #latruite
56 years ago:
Accident (UK)
Stephen is a professor at Oxford University who is caught in a rut and feels trapped by his life in both academia and marriage. One of his students, William, is engaged to the beautiful Anna, and Stephen becomes enamored of the younger woman. These three people become linked together by a horrible c...
#Accident #JosephLosey #DirkBogarde #StanleyBaker #JacquelineSassard #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#accident #josephlosey #dirkbogarde #stanleybaker #jacquelinesassard #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
#RobertShaw, along w/young #MalcolmMcDowell, does amazing amount of cardio in Figures in a Landscape. Things get more tense after Mac (Shaw) methodically shoots down one of the pilots off the helicopter. Now there is an army w/ automatic weapons pursuing their tracks. As they approach an arbitrary border to freedom in the snowy mountain, Mac's obsession - bringing down that symbol of oppression - a copter, takes over. Visceral & oddly captivating, it’s a very interesting film. #josephlosey #film
#robertshaw #malcolmmcdowell #josephlosey #film
“Film is a dog: the head is commerce, the tail is art. And only rarely does the tail wag the dog.” Joseph Losey, director of films including The Servant and The Go-Between, born #OTD in 1909 #JosephLosey #HaroldPinter #film
#otd #josephlosey #haroldpinter #film
1. Synecdoche, New York (Kaufman)
2. The Servant (Losey)
3. Three Colors: Blue (Kieslowski)
4. First Cow (Reichardt)
5. A Serious Man (Coen Bros.)
6. Monty Python and The Holly Grail
7. The Plague Dogs (I'm rather traumatized by it)
#Movies #CharlieKaufman #Kieslowski #FirstCow #KellyReichardt #CoenBrothers #JosephLosey #MontyPython #PlagueDogs
#7moviestoknowme #movies #charliekaufman #kieslowski #firstcow #kellyreichardt #coenbrothers #josephlosey #montypython #plaguedogs