We all agree that Shiro and Admiral Sanda are the nicest couple from Voltron. #Voltron #VLD #Shiro #JoshKeaton #AdmiralSanda #SumaleeMontano
#voltron #vld #shiro #joshkeaton #admiralsanda #sumaleemontano
All the shippers ship Trevacle (Steve Trevor and Oracle) from DC Super Hero Girls. #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #SteveTrevor #JoshKeaton #Oracle #AnnaVocino
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #stevetrevor #joshkeaton #oracle #annavocino
In this apartment complex we ship RavSpeedster (Raven and Flash) from DC Super Hero Girls. #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #Raven #TaraStrong #Flash #JoshKeaton
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #raven #tarastrong #flash #joshkeaton
LOL! We just want Flash and Cyborg from DC Super Hero Girls to snuggle already! #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #Flash #JoshKeaton #Cyborg #KharyPayton
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #flash #joshkeaton #cyborg #kharypayton