“DoNotPay is a legal services #chatbot described as “the world’s first #RoboLawyer 🤖.” Potential clients can download the #DoNotPay app for assistance with a number of minor legal issues, such as parking tickets, legal fees, airline compensation, contract breaches, tax rebates, victim compensation payouts and much, much more.
With an aim “to level the playing field and make legal information and self-help accessible to everyone”, DoNotPay was set to represent its first client in the US in February this year in a traffic ticket proceeding.
However, after being threatened with jail time by State Bar prosecutors, DoNotPay chief executive #JoshuaBrowder postponed the case in January.”
Does this surprise me? No, having worked in software for Law (Ringtail), lawyers are/were notoriously techno-phobic.
#AI / #LLM / #law / #lawyers <https://www.lawyersweekly.com.au/newlaw/36660-robot-lawyer-triggers-noisy-legal-debate>
#chatbot #robolawyer #donotpay #joshuabrowder #ai #LLM #law #lawyers
📬 Roboter-Anwalt bleibt erste Gerichtsverhandlung verwehrt
#KünstlicheIntelligenz #Rechtssachen #AirPods #ChatGPT #DoNotPay #JoshuaBrowder #KathrynTewson #KIChatbot #RoboterAnwalt https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/kuenstliche-intelligenz/roboter-anwalt-bleibt-erste-gerichtsverhandlung-verwehrt-264343.html
#roboteranwalt #kichatbot #kathryntewson #joshuabrowder #donotpay #chatgpt #airpods #Rechtssachen #kunstlicheintelligenz