R to @frances_hui: The least that the international community can do is to advocate for the release of political prisoners in Hong Kong and alleviate their suffering. Say their names, #JimmyLai #JoshuaWong #OwenChow; raise their public profiles & put pressure on the CCP to release them. 10/ https://nitter.hongkongers.net/frances_hui/status/1658834627480502283#m
#jimmylai #joshuawong #owenchow
Groß und zahlreich sind (zu Recht) die Solidaritätsbekundung aus dem Hause #Sonneborn mit #Assange und #Snowden , doch ohrenbetäubend ist dem gegenüber sein Schweigen zu
#MaryiaKalesnikava #AlesBjaljazki
#JoshuaWong ...
#maryiakalesnikava #putinspapagei #diepartei #martinsonneborn #SayTheirNames #joshuawong #alexejmoskaljow #maschamoskaljowa #IljaJaschin #evangershkovich #osmankavala #alexejnawalny #wladimirkaramursa #maksymbutkevych #AlesBjaljazki #snowden #assange #sonneborn
#JoshuaWong sentenced to three months jail in #HongKong. I was surprised at this; I thought that the CCP court would make any sentence much more harsh for Mr Wong. Also surprised to hear he is back in HK - I thought his move / escape to the UK had been permanent.
Heute beginnt in Hongkong der Prozess gegen 47 Demokratieaktivist*innen, auch gegen Joshua Wong.
Seine Lebensgeschichte und was ihn antreibt sich für Demokratie einzusetzen findet ihr in unserer interaktiven Bibliothek: https://www.fritz-bauer-forum.de/datenbank/joshua-wong/
R to @benedictrogers: ➡️#Uyghurs in concentration camps facing #Genocide ➡️#PoliticalPrisoners in #HongKong - such as #JimmyLai, #JoshuaWong and so many others ➡️#Christians facing persecution throughout the world ➡️#Tibet and #FalunGong practitioners in #China ➡️Those in prison camps in #NorthKorea https://nitter.hongkongers.net/benedictrogers/status/1606433509681291265#m
#uyghurs #genocide #politicalprisoners #hongkong #jimmylai #joshuawong #christians #tibet #falungong #china #northkorea
@benedictrogers RT by @hk_watch: As we prepare to celebrate #Christmas, let's always remember #HongKong #PoliticalPrisoners in jail, including #JimmyLai, #JoshuaWong & so many others Let's never forget them Let's keep fighting for their freedom Join me by lighting a #Candle4HK to #FreeHKPoliticalPrisoners https://nitter.hongkongers.net/benedictrogers/status/1605888754060853248#m
#christmas #hongkong #politicalprisoners #jimmylai #joshuawong #candle4hk #freehkpoliticalprisoners
As we prepare to celebrate #Christmas, let's always remember #HongKong #PoliticalPrisoners in jail, including #JimmyLai, #JoshuaWong & so many others Let's never forget them Let's keep fighting for their freedom Join me by lighting a #Candle4HK to #FreeHKPoliticalPrisoners https://nitter.hongkongers.net/benedictrogers/status/1605888754060853248#m
#christmas #hongkong #politicalprisoners #jimmylai #joshuawong #candle4hk #freehkpoliticalprisoners
R to @hkdc_us: #LeungKwokHung & #LeeCheukYan have been convicted 6 times each & are now on trial on #NationalSecurityLaw charges. #EddieChu, #WuChiWai & #AndrewWan have been tried 6x; #JoshuaWong #AlbertHo & #ChowHangTung 4x, & all are also on trial on #NSL charges. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us/status/1602628624397508608#m
#leungkwokhung #leecheukyan #nationalsecuritylaw #eddiechu #wuchiwai #andrewwan #joshuawong #albertho #chowhangtung #nsl
Deutscher PEN entsetzt über Festnahme Joshua Wongs https://www.pen-deutschland.de/de/2020/09/24/deutscher-pen-entsetzt-ueber-festnahme-joshua-wongs/ #Demokratiebewegung #Writers-in-Prison #JoshuaWong #Aktuelles #Hongkong #Presse #China
#demokratiebewegung #writers #joshuawong #aktuelles #hongkong #presse #china
The free world needs to raise the pressure on #HongKong's puppet regime of #CarrieLam: The arrest of #JoshuaWong and #AgnesChow, armored #PLA troop transporters in the streets and no concessions at all regarding the demands of the protestors, meeting with uncritical businesspeople instead: This is betrayal to the citizens of HongKong. This will do nothing to deescalate the situation. #StandUpforHongKong and #FuckChina.
#hongkong #carrielam #joshuawong #agneschow #pla #standupforhongkong #fuckchina