70 followers · 824 posts · Server

Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video where I expose Mark Stoney for implying that Brett Keane was a wife beater by claiming that Brett is an unstable man with a checkered past who need to come clean about it after other people claimed Brett beat his wife. If you like what you see, subscribe, like, comment, and share!

#joshwhotv #brettkeane #exposed #lies #markstoney

Last updated 1 year ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Here is the Corder version of my new video celebrating reaching 100 subscribers on JoshWho TV. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel and help spread the word.

#youtubealternative #alttech #celebration #milestone #joshwhotv

Last updated 2 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video celebrating reaching 100 subscribers on JoshWho TV. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel and help spread the word.

#youtubealternative #alttech #celebration #milestone #joshwhotv

Last updated 2 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Here is the YouTube version of my new video celebrating reaching 100 subscribers on JoshWho TV. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel and help spread the word.

#youtubealternative #alttech #celebration #milestone #joshwhotv

Last updated 2 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

BREAKING NEWS: On Saturday July 23, 2022 at 1 pm PST, I will be sitting down to interview Matt Couch on the newest episode of The TTOR Show, which will air on Corder and JoshWho TV. You'll wanna grab your popcorn and tune in for this!

#altmedia #freespeech #alttech #joshwhotv #corder #getoncorder #livestream #thettorshow #mattcouch

Last updated 2 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Here is the NewTube version of my new video responding to RenaudBe's continued defamation of me regarding my involvement with JoshWho TV. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and help spread the word.

#joshwhotv #exposed #defamation #liar #renaudbe

Last updated 3 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video responding to RenaudBe's continued defamation of me regarding my involvement with JoshWho TV. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and help spread the word.

#joshwhotv #exposed #defamation #liar #renaudbe

Last updated 3 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

I have decided from now on that I will only share links to my content that are uploaded to video sharing sites that don't have a hate speech policy. This means that at least for now, I will only share the JoshWho TV and NewTube versions of my videos on my social media accounts.

#freespeech #alttech #newtube #joshwhotv

Last updated 3 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video explaining the Young Earth Creationism triangle concept, a concept that explains why most Christians reject young earth creationism even though the Bible teaches it. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel and help spread the word.

#joshwhotv #apologetics #christian #yectriangle #youngearthcreationism

Last updated 3 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Here is the UGETube version of my new video where I expose how Gab had shadow-banned the JoshWho TV Gab account for three days before undoing the ban about an hour or two after I uploaded the video to my other channels. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and help spread the word.

#alttech #joshwhotv #exposed #Censorship #gab

Last updated 3 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video where I expose how Gab had shadow-banned the JoshWho TV Gab account for three days before undoing the ban about an hour or two after I uploaded the video to my other channels. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and help spread the word.

#alttech #joshwhotv #exposed #Censorship #gab

Last updated 3 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video about how I got TTOR onto Roku thanks to JoshWho TV. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and check out my other videos.

#freespeech #alttech #tech #joshwhotv #roku

Last updated 3 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Here is the BitChute version of my new video about how I got TTOR onto Roku thanks to JoshWho TV. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and check out my other videos.

#freespeech #alttech #tech #joshwhotv #roku

Last updated 3 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Brett Keane has returned to the internet!! Currently in the middle of watching Brett's new livestream with Candice to discuss Mormonism. If you like Brett's livestream, I would encourage you to subscribe to his JoshWho TV channel, and check out his older videos.

#joshwhotv #livestream #godtvradio #thereturn #brettkeane

Last updated 3 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Just finished watching Eric Thompson's new show where he talked about the Biden administration wanting to go door-to-door to force people to get the jab, and other news. If you like his stream as much as I did, I would encourage you to subscribe to his channel, and check out his other videos.

#joshwhotv #livestream #doortodoor #jab #wuhanflu #obama

Last updated 3 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Just finished watching OurWalkInChrist's new video about popping the Christian Bubble, and how Christians should not isolate themselves from the world. If you enjoy the video as much as I did, I would encourage you to subscribe to his channel and check out his other videos.

#joshwhotv #isolation #BUBBLE #christian #ourwalkinchrist

Last updated 3 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Just finished watching Terrence Popp's debut video on his new JoshWho TV channel, and it was a solid one. If you like Terrence Popp's content, I would encourage you to subscribe to his JoshWho TV channel, and encourage him to keep uploading videos there.

#joshwhotv #China #livefromthelair #redonkulas #terrencepopp

Last updated 3 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Just finished watching SwitchedToLinux's new video about how our cars are snitching on us to the government. If you like this video as much as I did, I would encourage you to subscribe to his channel and check out his other videos.

#joshwhotv #government #cars #snitch #switchedtolinux

Last updated 3 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Earlier today, I watched this excellent and first-rate video by Justin Trouble explaining and defining what Critical Race Theory is. If you want to help people understand what Critical Race Theory is and why it is wrong, be sure to spread this video around. Also be sure to subscribe to Justin Trouble's JoshWho TV channel, and watch his other videos!

#joshwhotv #exposed #criticalracetheory #crt #justintrouble

Last updated 3 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server

Here is the replay of my livestream of the TTOR Show, where I sat down with Eric Thompson to discuss MAGABook, Twellit, and MAGA TV. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and help spread the word.

#alttech #ericthompson #joshwhotv #livestream #thettorshow

Last updated 3 years ago