Dentro de #DC tenían muy claro que #LigadelaJusticia de #JossWhedon no podía competir con #MarvelStudios
#dc #ligadelajusticia #josswhedon #marvelstudios
@_thegeoff wait, #summerGlau and #alanTudyk ? #jossWhedon ? I am SO there.
(I don't get your Rossum reference though...)
We are talking about this #Dollhouse ?
#summerglau #alantudyk #josswhedon #dollhouse
Fuck the debt ceiling. Let's talk about real tragedy.
Great stuff from SuperGeekMike #TTRPG #HarryPotter #JossWhedon #StarWars
#starwars #josswhedon #harrypotter #ttrpg
Great stuff from SuperGeekMike #TTRPG #HarryPotter #JossWhedon
#josswhedon #harrypotter #ttrpg
wrote about separating the art and the artist.
sometimes that's presented as meaning you can like art by bad people. but I think the difficult separation is when you have to acknowledge artists you like treated people badly.
#JusticeLeague #JossWhedon
Pink News: 10 ass-kickingly amazing Buffy the Vampire Slayer gifts that every Scooby needs in their life #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #buffythevampireslayer #SarahMichelleGellar #Recommended #JossWhedon #Shopping #shopping
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #buffythevampireslayer #sarahmichellegellar #recommended #josswhedon #shopping
Same director, same dumb adolescent physical gag that did not age well.🤦♂️
#AvengersAgeOfUltron #JusticeLeague #JossWhedon
#josswhedon #JusticeLeague #avengersageofultron
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Every Marvel Superhero Needs a Kid Now, I Guess? #Jezebel #norsemythologyinpopularculture #fictionalcharacters #fictionalpeople #haileysteinfeld #kathrynnewton #captainmarvel #infinitygems #jamescameron #brucebanner #janefoster #katebishop #josswhedon #scottlang #tonystark #paulrudd #avengers #natasha #hankpym #fiction #marvel #morgan #antman #vision #sakaar #cassie
#jezebel #norsemythologyinpopularculture #fictionalcharacters #fictionalpeople #haileysteinfeld #kathrynnewton #captainmarvel #infinitygems #jamescameron #brucebanner #janefoster #katebishop #josswhedon #scottlang #tonystark #paulrudd #avengers #natasha #hankpym #fiction #Marvel #morgan #antman #vision #sakaar #cassie
Ich gucke ja wirklich gerne #StarTrek in allen Varianten, aber seitdem ich #Firefly gesehen habe, denke ich mir bei jeder Zisch-Bäng-Bumm-All-Kampfszene, wie unfassbar viel geiler das jetzt ohne Geräusche wäre. Was könnte man da mit Effekten spielen, wenn man bei den ganzen epischen Großschlachten zwischen leisen Außenszenen und chaotisch-lauten Innenszenen hin- und zerspringen würde ...
#josswhedon #serenity #firefly #startrek
Who do I need to speak to at Boom! Studios to get some cover work? Asking for a friend.
#josswhedon #firefly #serenity
Who do I need to speak to at Boom! Studios to get some cover work? Asking for a friend.
#josswhedon #firefly #serenity
Reading INTO EVERY GENERATION A SLAYER IS BORN and am struck by the similarities between what the Buffy/Angel women report on their abuse vs what the Drama Queens from One Tree Hill have reported. Very similar stories of pitting women against each other and tearing them down. #buffy #buffytvs #angel #whedonverse #josswhedon #oth #onetreehill #dramaqueensoth
#buffy #buffytvs #angel #whedonverse #josswhedon #oth #onetreehill #dramaqueensoth
@Soozcat @vmstan I just wish the fictional version #JossWhedon corresponded with reality.
Check out the first part of my video essay on how #JossWhedon likely ripped off #StarTrek:
Could/Would someone besides #JossWhedon create a #TV show in the #Firefly #Serenity universe w/ none of the original crew, all new #characters? I'd watch. I think #Fox owns the rights, and #Disney owns Fox...
#josswhedon #tv #firefly #serenity #characters #fox #disney
We went to see #WakandaForever. My 9 year old was very excited. She had several punches in the air, especially when #RiriWilliams / #Ironheart was doing her thing.
Her top characters:
1) Riri
2) Shuri
3) Midnight Angels
4) Namor
Her score: 10/10
Film was maybe slightly too long. But well done to Marvel for allowing a film to be fully centred on grief.
Also, we appreciated its women-centric view. You'd never have got this from #JossWhedon...
#josswhedon #ironheart #ririwilliams #wakandaforever
Teaser: THE NEVERS – viktorianische Superheldinnen
Ich hatte bereits mehrfach über THE NEVERS berichtet. Das hätte eigentlich die nächste Show von BUFFY- und FIREFLY-Erfinder Joss Whedon werden sollen ...
#Film,TV&Stream #HBO #HBOMax #JossWhedon #Teaser #TheNevers #Trailer
#Trailer #TheNevers #teaser #josswhedon #hbomax #hbo #film
Se verificate, sono accuse gravissime, soprattutto perché la DC Comics ha una tradizione tutt'altro che razzista.
RT @lospaziobianco
Justice League: Ray Fisher lancia nuove accuse verso Joss Whedon
#GeoffJohns #JossWhedon #JusticeLeague #RayFisher
#RayFisher #geoffJohns #justiceleague #josswhedon