When trusted government agencies share information on their websites—like pollution reports, patents, or vaccine reactions—how trustworthy is it? Depressingly often, not very!
Thrilled to review Janet Freilich's excellent piece, Government Misinformation Platforms, in JOTWELL (the Journal of Things We Like Lots!) today:
#lawfedi #jotwell #academia #misinformation #womenalsoknowlaw #law #patents
#lawfedi #jotwell #academia #misinformation #womenalsoknowlaw #law #patents
New IP JOTWELL post by Laura Pedraza-Fariña: "How Do Patents Influence Cumulative Innovation?"
"In their excellent paper, Measuring Follow-On Innovation, Janet Freilich and Sepehr Shahshahani contribute to this debate by bringing together both a deep understanding of patent law doctrine and precise econometrics research."
#scholarship #lawprofs #jotwell #patents