Even if most people ask me to compare #systemd-#journald vs. syslog-ng, I would say that they complement each other. Combining the two gives you the most flexibility.
#systemd #journald #logmanagement
When I heard about #Go 's upcoming slog (structured logging) package, I hoped that it would map nicely to #systemd #journald.
With Go 1.21 release candidate I made a prototype integration (https://github.com/tsavola/sjournal), but noticed that slog's and journal's structure/variables don't fit together: slog variables can be nested and names can be anything, while journal uses flat namespace and strict naming rules. Journal seems to accept custom variables, but doesn't show them with messages by default. 😞
Interessant. Auf #debian wird irgendwie alles doppelt und dreifach geloggt. What the fuck.
Also #rsyslog ist meiner aktuellen Erkenntnis nach total überflüssig, weil das #journald komplett übernimmt.
Viel witziger finde ich aber, dass #rsyslog by default irgendwie alles einmal nach /var/log/syslog schreibt und dann noch mal "themengenau" nach /var/log/xyz.log 🤯
Naja. rsyslog fliegt dann erstmal raus... old garbage.
Last week I was on sick leave, but today I just finished building my syslog-ng git snapshot packages for @opensuse / #SLES & @fedora / #RHEL:
The #syslog_ng master branch mainly received bug fixes (including for #journald) and cosmetic changes.
#sles #rhel #syslog_ng #journald
Some new #systemd and #journald configuration info in #SnippetWiki
#snippetwiki #journald #systemd
Nouvelles réflexions.
New reflections in French.
Ces lieux d’histoires…
Repenser mes relations avec les terres auvergnates à partir d’un point de vue du Plateau de Gergovie.
#journald’artiste #clmooc #mastoart #landscapes #terres #earth #blog
#journald #clmooc #mastoart #landscapes #terres #earth #blog
Une introduction à journald chez Linux Embedded :
Moving from classic #logfiles to #journald.
#journalctl already hates me. 😱
#logfiles #journald #journalctl
Here is a PoC logging qrexec system for #Qubes https://github.com/kushaldas/oqubeslogging The corresponding Python module there will enable you to use standard logging module to log into a `logging` AppVM. There is also an example of logging #journald logs. #security