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UNESCO's @TawfikJelassi tells the Council of the IPDC about work on #JournalismEducation, including a handbook in 30 languages on coverage of "fake news" https://www.unesco.org/en/international-programme-development-communication/journalism-education
End of day 1 in Namibia, will continue Zimbabwe tomorrow, then Malawi.. Same link at nmt on fb #JournalismEducation
NMT will be offering a boot amp on podcasting, says @zoetitus
RT @GuyBerger
Podcasting is a format, with much diversity in story telling, that could be a module delivered even on podcasting, for #JournalismEducation - says @zoetitus
Podcasting is a format, with much diversity in story telling, that could be a module delivered even on podcasting, for #JournalismEducation - says @zoetitus
RT @NamMediaTrust
Prof. @franzkruger said language is not just language, it has identity.
“The other reason why radio and audio has power is that it fits into our lives in different ways. The voice suggests to speak in a wider sense.”
#mediaviability #journalismexcellence #journalismeducation
Podcasting and #JournalismEducation https://fb.watch/gO-Yr0Whrv/?mibextid=fBA1Bh
These are the partners in today's conference on #JournalismEducation in Southern Africa
Henok Fente, MERSA, says essence of journalism remains, but packaging evolves. #JournalismEducation - [Except, since journalism is now competing with fun, & being crushed by disinfo & ad-loss, the essence cd evolve to be more entertaining, more inclusive, more amplifiable...]
Erik Albrecht of DW Akademie explains a "j-sprint" model of viable journalism training has to deal with what, how and most importantly why #JournalismEducation
Henok Fente, of MERSA in Ethiopia, says that media & journalism ed in his country needs to relate to the market needs, and to whether ppl would be prepared to pay for the training #JournalismEducation
You can follow the debates here: https://www.facebook.com/NamibiaMediaTrust/videos/2095147437353832/?extid=NS-UNK-UNK-UNK-IOS_GK0T-GK1C&ref=sharing
RT @misamalawi
Roundtable with media educators: The future of
journalism education and training in Africa @ 2022 Conference on the Future of #JournalismEducation in #SouthernAfrica
@NamMediaTrust @citezw @dw_akademie @MISAReg…
#mediaviability #journalismexcellence #southernafrica #journalismeducation
We also have to go beyond #JournalismEducation today as prep for employment in a news industry as we know it: there is fact-checking, content-moderation, news marketing, events-curating, etc...
RT @PeterDeselaers
“There is a need to return to the basic skills of journalism”, says @zoetitus referring to a needs assessment with journalists, media managers and stakeholders. #journalismeducation
A case can be made that @Trevornoah is an example of fusion of journalism and strategic communications: he tells great stories - in the public interest, he has informed opinions, he holds powerful ppl to account, he wins audience trust & confidence... #JournalismEducation
A comment I made here: google searches you, facebook pulls you into its networks, tiktok watches you - can competing news outlets have a different model of data surveillance, gathering and usage, and compete at scale?
RT @GuyBerger
Link to follow today's conference on Future of #JournalismEducation in Southern Africa: https://www.facebook.com/NamibiaMediaTrust/videos/2095147437353832/?extid=NS-UNK-UNK-UNK-IOS_GK0T-GK1C&ref=sharing
Different journalism training institutions have different strengths, says @franzkruger - eg. universities have inflexibility, but also bringing in critical thinking #JournalismEducation
Public trust in journalism is 1 thing, advertisers trusting in media is very different- given that many ads are programmatic, so the qtn is whether advertisers trust platforms to place ads with maximum effect and without reputational damage #JournalismEducation
Link to follow today's conference on Future of #JournalismEducation in Southern Africa: https://www.facebook.com/NamibiaMediaTrust/videos/2095147437353832/?extid=NS-UNK-UNK-UNK-IOS_GK0T-GK1C&ref=sharing
To tackle public confidence and credibility of journalism, media literacy needs to start at Grade 1, says @zoetitus at conference on Future of #JournalismEducation in Southern Africa