ʞ :anarchoheart3: · @eltsyrk
45 followers · 148 posts · Server eattherich.club

oh god, i'm old enough to remember when "web" was capitalized.

#apstyle #writing #journalismproblems

Last updated 2 years ago

Peggy Heinkel-Wolfe · @phwolfe940
195 followers · 579 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Also, , don't think I didn't try to look up how much Lantana pays for fire service. I did.

It bugged me that posted public documents (budgets, audits) didn't show it. In 2021, for example, for Lantana to pay the same fair share as all the other taxpayers in Denton County ESD No. 1, they should have cut checks totaling about $1.7 million.

I could be looking in the wrong places, but that much money should be easily accounted for in public documents.

#denton #journalismproblems

Last updated 2 years ago