Stirring the ice-cold sea with my hands, again. On staff at two parishes in/near Buffalo, NY, I’m also the author of a chapter in #AppalachianReckoning (WVU Press)and published recently in the inclusively orthodox #Earth&Altar Christianity 102 series, presented a paper on #RuthPitter at #GeorgeHerbert Con, and wrote for #JournalofInklingsStudies on C.S. Lewis and #TheMountainGoats
#themountaingoats #journalofinklingsstudies #GeorgeHerbert #ruthpitter #Earth #appalachianreckoning
Stirring the ice-cold sea with my hands, again. On staff at two parishes in/near Buffalo, NY, I’m also the author of a chapter in #AppalachianReckoning (WVU Press)and published recently in the inclusively orthodox #Earth&Altar Christianity 102 series, presented a paper on #RuthPitter at #GeorgeHerbert Con, and wrote for #JournalofInklingsStudies on C.S. Lewis and #TheMountainGoats
#themountaingoats #journalofinklingsstudies #GeorgeHerbert #ruthpitter #Earth #appalachianreckoning