Tonight the Sigil 6 take a much-needed rest and get to know their way around the Radiant Citadel.
#journeysthroughtheradiantcitadel #ttrpg
We're having some downtime in the Sigil 6's new home, the Radiant Citadel.
Please share something they see while spending time on the citadel or some way they might notice that the Citadel is different than Sigil.
#RadiantCitadel #Planescape #JourneysThroughTheRadiantCitadel
#radiantcitadel #planescape #journeysthroughtheradiantcitadel
Speaker Sholeh: "You made a dying world more complicated. Some would say that as criticism but me - I like complicated...."
#journeysthroughtheradiantcitadel #ttrpg #DnD #godbound
Tonight the Sigil 6 arrived in the Radiant Citadel and set out on a rescue operation to a frozen Winter World.
#journeysthroughtheradiantcitadel #ttrpg
One of the worlds orbiting the Citadel is inspired by Rime of the Frostmaiden, frozen, only 10 towns left. Each named after something proudly salvaged from the winter world.
Loom, Judge, Elf, Mage-Town, Anvil, etc
Outside of the Ten Towns is a wilderness dominated by yeti, polar owlbears, white dragons, winter wolves and such...
Everything in the book would just be tools to build out the world rather than a linear adventure...
#RimeOfTheFrostmaiden #JourneysThroughTheRadiantCitadel #TTRPG
#RimeoftheFrostmaiden #journeysthroughtheradiantcitadel #ttrpg
Tonight in our game the Sigil 6 see a comet that was their sign to meet up in Sigil, jump on a ship on the Astral Sea and head to the Radiant Citadel…
#journeysthroughtheradiantcitadel #godbound #ttrpg #sigil6
Tonight in our game…1 player had technical issues, 2 were pulled into late nights at work and so the 3 remaining worked on moving their characters over to Godbound.
We are deliberating over how we are going to deal with hit points – starting hit points like a first level Godbound character or use their level as hit dice from the D&D game? We’ll talk it over next week when we have more of us at the table.
#journeysthroughtheradiantcitadel #godbound #ttrpg
Looking forward to gaming tomorrow.
#RadiantCitadel #JourneysThroughTheRadiantCitadel #Godbound #TTRPG #TheSigil6
#radiantcitadel #journeysthroughtheradiantcitadel #godbound #ttrpg #thesigil6
I just finished my spotlight on the adventure Wages of Vice from Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel. It is amazing, and well done. The first published adventure that I have ever run and it got me excited about incorporating more published content into our collaborative world.
#journeysthroughtheradiantcitadel #dungeonmaster #newishdm #ttrpg
#ttrpg #newishdm #dungeonmaster #journeysthroughtheradiantcitadel
Very excited about the #DnD5e book #JourneysThroughTheRadiantCitadel, I've skimmed it and I love the citadel and the adventures. I can see using a lot of it in my homebrew world.
#DnD5e #journeysthroughtheradiantcitadel
Die heutige #DnD5e Session ist vorbei. Wir spielten ein Abenteuer aus dem Band #JourneysThroughTheRadiantCitadel und es war der Wahnsinn! Wirklich, eine absolut klasse Session. Und meine "neuen" Würfel haben ebenfalls mitgespielt. Whoop Whoop! 😬😎 #pnpde #DungeonsAndDragons @FeyTiane #MastersOfTheDice
#dnd5e #journeysthroughtheradiantcitadel #pnpde #dungeonsanddragons #MastersOfTheDice