Most memorable moment in DisneySEA #japanvlog
#Alladin #aquatopia #Chiba #Chibadestinations #Chibatour #Chibatravel #Chibatrip #Chibavacation #Disney #disneysea #DisneyseaTokyo #disneyland #disneysea #indianajones #journeytothecenteroftheearth #proposal #TheProposal #Tokyo #tour #TouristDestination #touristspot #towerofterror #toystory #travel #travelvlog #千葉
#japanvlog #alladin #aquatopia #chiba #chibadestinations #chibatour #chibatravel #chibatrip #chibavacation #disney #disneysea #disneyseatokyo #disneyland #indianajones #journeytothecenteroftheearth #proposal #theproposal #tokyo #tour #touristdestination #touristspot #towerofterror #toystory #travel #travelvlog #千葉
Today, May 31, 1880, an expedition enters a volcano in Iceland, aiming to reach the lost city of Atlantis at the Earth’s core (Journey to the Center of the Earth, 1959)
#movies #film #cinemastodon #journeytothecenteroftheearth
Today, May 31, 1880, an expedition enters a volcano in Iceland, aiming to reach the lost city of Atlantis at the Earth’s core (Journey to the Center of the Earth, 1959)
#movies #film #cinemastodon #journeytothecenteroftheearth
I know it's aimed at children and my boy prefers to play videogames but I enjoy the journey to the center of the earth.
The effects are likely 40 years out of date. Some may complain but I like that. The overacting is just cute. The main villain reminds me of the giy from Lazy Town for which one has actually tuned in.
If you love goofy fantasy it could be something for you.
RT @daverandla
#BrendanFraser is a righteous dude.
In November 2007 our paychecks stopped. I was the FX lead on #JourneyToTheCenterOfTheEarth for Meteor Studios in Montreal and was asked to convince my crew to stay and finish the picture with a guarantee we'd all get paid with overtime. We had…
#brendanfraser #journeytothecenteroftheearth
#Film #Movie #FilmCommunity #Cinema #CineMastodon #ClassicFilms #FilmPoll
#journeytothecenteroftheearth #themummy #battleinouterspace #northbynorthwest #film #movie #filmcommunity #cinema #cinemastodon #classicfilms #FilmPoll
@MsReganBlack #50sSciFi - what are you picks? Here are mine:
#journeytothecenteroftheearth #earthvstheflyingsaucers #godzilla #theblob #TheFly #thisislandearth #invasionofthebodysnatchers #waroftheworlds #theincredibleshrinkingman #forbiddenplanet #thedaytheearthstoodstill #50sscifi