🇭🇹 Aux États-Unis, un homme reconnaît son rôle dans l'assassinat du président haïtien Jovenel Moïse 📰 http://urlr.me/q6GP5
#revuedepresse #haiti #jovenelmoise #assassinat
RT @Jacquiecharles@twitter.com
Ever wondered who is jailed & who is wanted by #Haiti police in the assassination of #JovenelMoise 17 months ago today? Read our @MiamiHerald@twitter.com report. Be sure to click circles: Who was involved in killing of Haiti president Jovenel Moise? | Miami Herald https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/haiti/article266152901.html
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Jacquiecharles/status/1600470677588529153
RT @Jacquiecharles@twitter.com
“The decision to kill the president surfaced the day before the actual killing. The Colombians were told that they had to do it.” How money, drugs and a foreign embassy played parts in the murder of #Haiti’s president https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/haiti/article269213547.html #jovenelmoise
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Jacquiecharles/status/1600486245448155137
RT @joverleinmo@twitter.com
Communiqué de presse
@p_larochelle@twitter.com @FlorvilusPat@twitter.com @DieunelFleury@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/joverleinmo/status/1594029343185195008
RT @TW_nextmedia@twitter.com
海地總統遇刺嫌犯至少28人 11人在台灣駐海地使館被捕
#海地 #Haiti #海地總統 #摩依士 #JovenelMoise #蘋果國際 #蘋果新聞網 #appledailytw #appledaily
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TW_nextmedia/status/1413344000019374088
#海地 #haiti #海地總統 #摩依士 #jovenelmoise #蘋果國際 #蘋果新聞網 #appledailytw #appledaily
RT @em2wice@twitter.com
Protesters march through Port-au-Prince calling for President #JovenelMoise's removal over allegations of embezzlement: http://bit.ly/2IuPJIj @AJEnglish@twitter.com