I love finding new-to-me #gàidhlig music to help me learn, but today's pair go from one extreme to the other!
Thugainn by #Mànran which I have a good chance of being able to sing along to by the weekend
and Ged thigeadh fear le buaile chruidh by #JoyDunlop (track 6, 4th in the medley) where I can't catch a single lyric!! How is she singing so fast 😲 ?
#gaidhlig #manran #joydunlop #ceol #newsongs
BBC Alba: SpeakGaelic | Sùil Air Sreath 3 | BBC ALBA https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=yzJz57kKFX0 Sùil air Sreath 3 SpeakGaelic, a' tighinn air an 9mh den Fhaoilleach 2023. Faic an seo e: https://www.youtube.com/@UCC5URIx42ma4lfY95J77Smg
A look at Series 3 of SpeakGaelic, coming on the 9th of January. See it here: https://www.youtube.com/ @SpeakGaelic
#iplayer #bbcalba #speakgaelic #joydunlop #calummaclean #learngaelic
Fo-sgrìobh gu BBC ALBA agus brùth air a' 🔔 👉 bit.ly/B
#iplayer #bbcalba #speakgaelic #joydunlop #calummaclean #learngaelic