#Introduction time:
Hi! I live in the PNW, wife to @llarian and yes I want to see photos of your pets!
#LGBTQ, #Bi, #Pan, she/her, #Lefty and #Leftist #ProTrains
Dig #StarTrek, #SciFi & #Fantasy #audiobooks, #Scuba, #LoomKnitting #Sounders, #Sailing, #RemoteWork, #Travel, #SnailMail, & #Baguettes.
My #NonProfit job helps orgs #ImproveQuality, drive out fear, & create #JoyInWork.
Oh, one time I really wanted #teriyaki but I was at the MIA Airport, it was a terrible experience. Don't do that.
#introduction #lgbtq #bi #pan #lefty #leftist #protrains #startrek #scifi #Fantasy #audiobooks #scuba #loomknitting #sounders #sailing #remotework #travel #snailmail #baguettes #nonprofit #improvequality #joyinwork #teriyaki
Fab second session on the #JoyInWork series hosted by the #QCommunity - today, #PsychologicalSafety.
Thanks to the session designers
#PsychologicalSafety #qcommunity #joyinwork