Hello! Here's a revised now that more people are on here and I know to use hashtags.

I am a at . seemajayachandran.com

A lot of my research is on or the /

My other hats include chairing 's sector, co-directing the NBER's program, and serving on the board of the non-profit CARE.

Previously, I wrote for the NYT's Economic View column: nytimes.com/by/seema-jayachand

#introduction #development #Economist #princeton #genderequality #environment #climatechange #jpal #gender #developmentecon

Last updated 2 years ago

Abu Siddique · @absidd
800 followers · 127 posts · Server econtwitter.net

🚨 summary of our paper: Poor among adult , especially mothers, can pose a risk to the mental well-being and development of children. How does providing support impact refugee mental health and child development? Evidence from : povertyactionlab.org/evaluatio

In collaboration with and

#jpal #mentalhealth #refugees #psychosocial #bangladesh #brac #bigd

Last updated 2 years ago