What in the absolute fuck. #japan #Jpnews https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20230126/p2g/00m/0na/080000c
Now they just need to find a jewel! #Japan #jpnews https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14824344
“Japan has not acknowledged same-sex marriage, as many members of the conservative Liberal Democratic Party, led by Kishida, have opposed the concept, emphasizing the country's traditional values, such as the role of women in giving birth and raising children.” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
#Japan #jpnews #lgbt #misogynisticbs
#japan #jpnews #lgbt #misogynisticbs
This is just so depressing. She knew she was doing something wrong, but didn’t get help in time. That poor kid. #japan #jpnews https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20230118/p2a/00m/0na/003000c
Today in #WTFOsaka, a guy in his 20s leaving a bathroom in Nishiohashi Station got stabbed by in the stomach by a man in his 40s-50s who fled as soon as he did it. #jpnews #osaka #japan
#wtfosaka #jpnews #osaka #japan
NO THANK YOU. Good thing Umeda’s got, like, twenty-eleven other exits. #jpnews #japan #osaka #privacy #FacialRecognition https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20230112/p2a/00m/0bu/017000c
#jpnews #japan #osaka #Privacy #facialrecognition
These fools were out here selling fugu that still had its skin, livers, and all the other poisonous bits still on/in it, but were like, “Hurr durr, I didn’t realize we couldn’t sell it hurr durr.” Jfc. Thank goodness someone reported them before they got someone killed. #jpnews #idiots https://nordot.app/984604572769206272