need to explore every nook and cranny of #computergame environments can be counterproductive to the intent of the devs.
but, designers should design around this human urge to explore; classic #jrpgs often have multiple paths that lead to void; no treasure, no story significance, nothing.
let's say you know which path to take to the boss, clearly labeled, but there's another path right next to it. that path should have a payout but noticing often doesn't
Elements Destiny ist ein Spiel, das sich ganz klar an klassische #JRPGs anlehnt: Die Kämpfe sind rundenbasiert, und die Charakter-Designs sind entsprechend im Anime-Stil gehalten. Der Zeichenstil wirkt sehr clean und polished, und die 2D-Umgebungen sind alle sehr liebevoll gestaltet. Außerdem merkt man, dass sich das Entwicklungsteam viel Mühe beim Ausarbeiten der Charaktere und der Welt gegeben hat: Die Dialoge sind erfrischend amüsant, und auch die Story wirkt bisher interessant.
sneaky way to make player think game has more narrative depth than it does. most would select "spare his life," and those that do will go on to believe that the game gave them a choice here, when it didn't.
#jrpgs are notorious for this; learned this early on as a kid as I have a habit of picking the most contrary possible choices. even simple "you'll help me with this won't you? y/n" is almost never a real choice, selecting "no" is always a "hahaha you're so funny, c'mon let's go"
Let’s Play Tactics Ogre PSP: Part 402 – Epilogue
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Let’s Play Tactics Ogre PSP: Part 401 – Ogre Battle II
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Luca Blight has been dealt with, Jowy has drawn his line in the sand, and things are finally starting to settle... it's time to rest and gather some more allies... Of course, that means Neclord needs to make another appearance! TIME TO OFF SOME UNDEAD!
#suikodenii #jrpgs #chillgamer
Let’s Play Tactics Ogre PSP: Part 400 – Ogre Battle I
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Let’s Play Tactics Ogre PSP: Part 399 – Chamber of the Seal II
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Let’s Play Tactics Ogre PSP: Part 398 – Chamber of the Seal I
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Let’s Play Tactics Ogre PSP: Part 397 – Relics of the Past II
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Let’s Play Tactics Ogre PSP: Part 396 – Relics of the Past I
#letsplay #jrpgs #tacticsogre #videogames #bot
"where do you start in a world that has made your voice so small... you don't even know how to speak... where do you even start...
well... You start at the beginning... you lend your voice to the chorus... you win some you lose some... but, you will prevail."
this link leads to youtube to a video essay that's an hour-long called: why do you always kill Gods in #Jrpgs
Let’s Play Tactics Ogre PSP: Part 393 – Twixt Heaven and Earth IV
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Let’s Play Tactics Ogre PSP: Part 392 – Twixt Heaven and Earth III
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Let’s Play Tactics Ogre PSP: Part 391 – Twixt Heaven and Earth II
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Let’s Play Tactics Ogre PSP: Part 390 – Twixt Heaven and Earth I
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Let’s Play Tactics Ogre PSP: Part 389 – Ivory Stair II
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Let’s Play Tactics Ogre PSP: Part 388 – Ivory Stair I
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Let’s Play Tactics Ogre PSP: Part 387 – Sharp & Cold the Stars II
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Let’s Play Tactics Ogre PSP: Part 386 – Sharp & Cold the Stars I
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