Rejoignez-nous au Vésinet ce dimanche 18 juin pour des animations diverses lors de la Fête de la Marguerite dédiée cette année à #Tolkien !
Nous vous proposerons un atelier d'initiation l'écriture et la calligraphie elfiques et des jeux !
#jrrtolkien #tolkienfrance #tolkiendil #jrrt #tolkienenvf #tolkienenfrancais #leseigneurdesanneaux #seigneurdesanneaux #lehobbit #hobbit #calligraphieelfique #tengwar
#tolkien #jrrtolkien #tolkienfrance #tolkiendil #jrrt #tolkienenvf #tolkienenfrancais #leseigneurdesanneaux #seigneurdesanneaux #lehobbit #hobbit #calligraphieelfique #tengwar
An expanded edition of Humphrey Carpenter's Letters of JRR Tolkien? Definitely on my to-get list.
#jrrtolkien #tolkien #jrrt
Avis à tous et toutes, la date limite de soumission des propositions de communications pour notre colloque en octobre est repoussée au 30 juin ! Il n’est donc pas trop tard pour vos envois d’« abstracts » pour répondre à notre appel publié ici :
#jrrt #tolkien #sda #lotr #tolkiendil #colloque #jrrt2023
Pour rappel, il vous reste environ un mois pour envoyer vos propositions de communication, à vos claviers !
#tolkien #jrrt #colloque #seigneurdesanneaux
#tolkien #jrrt #colloque #seigneurdesanneaux
It's #tolkienreadingday once more! It's raining here in #Linz , perfect weather for a sofa, a pot of tea and chocolate biscuits. And a book!
#tolkienreadingday #linz #tolkien #jrrt #jrrtolkien #lotr
'The Lord Of The Rings' by Frank Frazetta, 1975.
#tolkien #lordoftherings #jrrt #lotr
#tolkien #lordoftherings #jrrt #lotr
One of the enduring mysteries from #LordOfTheRings is the nature of #TomBombadil. I won't recap that mystery here, because there's plenty already out there you can read:
My own theory is that Tom Bombadil was necessary for the creation of Middle-earth, and he's just stuck around since then. The purpose of Middle-earth was to be where Elves and Men, the Children of Eru Illúvatar, lived. The world was made *for* them. But the creation of Middle-earth required the work of the Ainur and took time, and the Elves didn't awaken until well into the Years of the Trees, and Men even later, many thousands of years after Middle-earth's creation.
Tom's remarks indicate that he predates pretty much everything. He remembers the first raindrop and the first acorn. And he is also known by the title Master, with the implication that he's master of everything.
My theory is that Tom Bombadil's role is just that: Master. In the first days, there weren't any Elves or Men, so there was no one for Middle-earth to be *for*, or to be its master. But the world was meant to be for someone, so until the Elves came along, Tom got to be who the world was for. That let the world be for someone, so the fundamental nature of the world didn't have to change when Elves and Men came along. Tom Bombadil was a placeholder – a part of the construction scaffolding that Eru Illúvatar used to create Middle-earth. Eru Illúvatar made Tom before anything else, so that the rest of the world would make sense, at least until the other Children could fill that role. He doesn't fit into any other boxes because he is unique, and he is unique because he was made to fill a unique purpose.
There isn't much in the canon to back up my theory specifically, but I believe it is consistent with canon and even JRRT's non-canon lore.
#LordOfTheRings #tombombadil #jrrt #LOTR #fantheory
Random #LOTR question: Why did #JRRT never mention a weapon made from #mithril? Mithril was used to make armor, helmets, and gates - all defensive things. Even the ring Nenya was created to preserve, not to destroy. Do you think there's something about the nature of mithril that makes it unsuitable as a weapon? I don't like the idea of assuming those weapons existed but Tolkien never mentioned them, so I have to think it was intentional, and therefore it means something. But what?
Would anyone happen to have a link or citation handy regarding JRR Tolkien writing or speaking on (contra) the sin of despair?
Absolute best would be a sound recording so I could hear it in the good professor's voice, second an audiobook, third text (codex, pdf, http, txt, usw.).
Thanks from a very gray, too-warm winter.
#JRRT cites #Blackwood as source and influence. Much of this short, early Blackwood essay (juvenalia) from ‘#Methodist Magazine’ would seem present in ‘The Hobbit’, Jura Mountains recast as the Misty Mountains and #Neuchatel as Rivendell. Expect you can count on 1-finger the authors published in both ‘Methodist Magazine’ and ‘#Occult Review’.
#jrrt #blackwood #methodist #neuchatel #occult #english #literature
Shamus Young's children are remastering his legendary DM of the Rings webcomic:
#tolkien #jrrtolkien #jrrt #dmoftherings
#tolkien #jrrtolkien #jrrt #dmoftherings
@Simon_Lindsell1968 @bigbeardedbookseller The Geste of Beren and Luthien is in my humble opinion the most wonderful of all of #JRRT ‘s sub-creation.
If you're a JRR Tolkien fan & have time to travel to Milwaukee (WI), check out the J.R.R. Tolkien: The Art of the Manuscript exhibition at Marquette University's Haggerty Art Museum.
The exhibit is running until Dec 23rd. Tickets are $10 ($8 for 65+) & can be ordered online at the link below (which also tells you a bit about the exhibit & includes a short video of Simon Tolkien (JRRT's grandson) & 2 other video presentations).
#lotr #lordoftherings #tolkien #jrrt
#Libri di #Tolkien a cui sono molto affezionata, l'edizione Rusconi la comprai quando facevo il liceo... trent'anni fa. Chi di voi ama il mondo del #SignoreDegliAnelli? Nota: se avete interpretazioni fasciste dell'opera di #JRRT, non abbiamo niente in comune, girate al largo e su altre istanze.
#libri #tolkien #signoredeglianelli #jrrt
A similar usage is in Denethor's farewell to Pippin in the First Edition: in current editions Denethor says of Faramir "The house of his spirit crumbles", but before the 1966 Second Edition he said simply "His house crumbles". Both passages are in Book V, largely written in 1946.
#lotr #tolkien #jrrtolkien #lordoftherings #jrrt
#lotr #tolkien #jrrtolkien #lordoftherings #jrrt
Random #LOTR fact: When Gandalf says in "The Houses of Healing" that "...Denethor has departed, and his house is in ashes", what he probably means is "his body is in ashes." Minas Tirith has not, after all, literally been burnt down.
#tolkien #jrrtolkien #lordoftherings #jrrt
#lotr #tolkien #jrrtolkien #lordoftherings #jrrt
@davidallengreen interested in which #fantasy #authors you favour. I’m going to suggest #StevenBrust #JackVance #GeneWolfe #StephenDonaldson and see if you bite. Obviously #jrrt as well but that’s almost a special case.
#fantasy #authors #StevenBrust #jackvance #genewolfe #StephenDonaldson #jrrt