Had another set of OS updates requiring reboot.
Forgot that this particular installation of Linux has a broken ntp - no idea how that happened, it had been perfect for many months.
So I had to manually reset the clock to time.is.
Once again, on the FIRST TRY, a refresh of time.is tells me "Your time is exact!"
But KE0OG said on Ask Dave that "You can't set your clock accurately enough manually." Bullshit, Dave. I do it regularly.
#dontmakeitharderthanitis #HamRadio #perfecttiming #js8
#js8 #js8call #hamradio #amateurradio #aztecadxers #CRECJ
I've not ever seen that much activity on #JS8 like today. #20m has been busy with members of the Fedi group (@n6cta @k2za) and others, many apparently just having read the #JS8CALL manual, and trying out different commands. Also, quite some international presence from Australia, Argentina, Sweden, Mexico.
Wow #JS8 is impressive. 10W and a resonant dipole will have me heard in Finland on 20m.
Here's my #introduction to hams.social! I moved from mastodon.radio to my own self hosted server then to here. The fun of maintaining the server wore off. Anyway my interests are:
#KitBuilding (currently QMX)
#Portable ham radio
digital modes like #ft8 #js8 #psk31
to name a few. I'll be posting mainly pics of POTA activations and kits I'm working on. Maybe some cats. I look forward to settling in to my new fedi-home!
#introduction #kitbuilding #3dprinting #3ddesign #pota #portable #ft8 #js8 #PSK31 #cwops #moresecode
#JS8 isn't just a chat mode. It also has heartbeats, and routing, and message store+pull.
None of which inherently needs the clocked transmission in fixed intervals, though. That's only needed to dig deeper into the noise, as far as I understand.
In the days of PSK31, I found QSO fun and duration increased by maybe 7 dB if I could lure the op at the other end away from their macros. Macros are ragchew-killers, and I like ragchew and long QSOs.
Do we now have a way to put makros in the internet and reference them during a #JS8 QSO? I personally think of that as a step back, not forward.
An everyday conversation I would also not begin with an introductory flyer.
Of course, only my opinion and taste.
why I enjoy #JS8 more than #FT8:
‘FT8 transmits and receives only the bare essentials needed to make an amateur radio contact (QSO): Exhange of callsigns, readability report, signal strength report, and "best regards" ("73"). Because only this information can be sent, FT8 is not a "conversation" mode. FT8 transmits this minimum of information in a semi-automated fashion on its own time frame. Therefore, FT8 is not a "keyboard-to-keyboard" (real-time chat) mode.
JS8 is a variant of FT8 which allows operators to send more information and converse with each other. JS8 was created to allow the basic principles of FT8 to be applied to sending actual messages (instead of just the bare minimum QSO information that FT8 limits operators with).’
- Wikipedia
So all this activity on the upper half of my 20m #JS8 waterfall is what? It is 15 second transmissions but only during one time segment.
I was wondering why I haven't seen too many messages to my station, having completely forgotten to look at the inbox.
Having a status indicator to indicate "you've got mail" would be a good thing for the folks like me (industrial strength brain fade). Apologies to anyone who left me a message and I haven't replied...
Sending this public to evangelize JS8 to a wider audience. I think it's a mode fedihams would do well to get behind. A few of us have been kicking the tires lately and like it a lot. The talk group we have been using is @FEDI
Because JS8Call is cross platform and open source we can hack to our heart's delight. It also has a TCP API we can use to create all manner of connecting software. JS8 BBS? Why not?
Please boost!
Just made contact with SP3LM in Poland on #JS8- he reported a -09. Surfing on 20 meters is good y'all #AmateurRadio
What's up with the WB6NLS (doesn't appear to be a valid call) station that transmits weird stuff on #JS8?
All right, I have #JS8 running on 20 meters. Now to figure out what I'm doing. #AmateurRadio
Question for you active on #JS8Call: despite being heard (PSK Reporter) and hearing heartbeats, I rarely get replies to CQ. Is there anything else fun to do?