Running tutorials for undergrads on jsPsych this semester. Just made a course blog with screencasts that will be updated weekly this semester. Sharing in case it's useful for others.
#cogsci #cognition #jsPsych #QuartoPub
I've just updated my Libet clock plugin for #jsPsych. There are now two versions, one compatible with jsPsych 6.1.0 and the other with jsPsych 6.3.0: #opensource #psychology
#psychology #opensource #jsPsych
I've been developing cognition experiment demos with #jspsych for my OER suite. Now with the #datapipe tool by @joshdeleeuw and the new webR tool, i'm hoping it will be possible to serve experiments on github pages, send in born data to OSF, and retrieve, analyse and plot results in the browser using #quartoPub and #webR...all without a server...wowzers.
#jsPsych #datapipe #QuartoPub #webr
First time using canvas with #jspsych
Mocking up a demo of Hyman (1953) for my cognitive psych OER.