#Ukrainearmy received 100 used #JSDF #Japanesearmy wheeled and tracked vehicles
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/ArmyRecognition/status/1666425783055728641
#ukrainearmy #jsdf #japanesearmy
Bell Boeing CV-22 Osprey, seen after take-off at #RIAT, RAF #Fairford. This V/STOL tilt-rotor design had some control difficulties at slow speed during initial service entry, but has since matured. #USMC #USN #USAF #JSDF #RoyalInternationalAirTattoo #airshow #VTOL #STOL #rotorcraft #COD #Osprey #CV22 #aviation #rotarywing #photography #aviationphotography
#riat #fairford #usmc #usn #usaf #jsdf #royalinternationalairtattoo #airshow #vtol #stol #rotorcraft #cod #osprey #cv22 #aviation #rotarywing #photography #aviationphotography
RT @JapanEmbDCDef@twitter.com
At 3:20AM, a Shupan-class survey ship was observed entering territorial waters south of Yakushima. #JSDF remains alert and vigilant, monitoring China’s increasingly expanding and intensifying military activities
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JapanEmbDCDef/status/1604973870938591232